Birth Announcement!!!!
Hello OH family!!
My Lil' Bundle from the stork!!! has Arrived a little early?
Mr. "Jaden James" has been born!!
June 11th 2009 @ 3:09am
Wt. 5lbs. 5.9oz. 19-inches in lenghth.
Wow!! he is really here.
My amniotic fluid levels were low? so doc. wanted to induce labor right away, I thought I had a few weeks left or so, but it all happen so fast.
Next thing I know I'm in hospital giving birth, to my son!! Which was a very smoothe and blessed event.
Thank God. I will try to post a pic? right here if I can?? if not, just check my profile!! Wishing you the best of luck, & many blessing in whatever faze that your in within your own pregnancy journey! Peace & Love!! jbug
& Continued Blessings to all!!!
My Lil' Bundle from the stork!!! has Arrived a little early?
Mr. "Jaden James" has been born!!
June 11th 2009 @ 3:09am
Wt. 5lbs. 5.9oz. 19-inches in lenghth.
Wow!! he is really here.
My amniotic fluid levels were low? so doc. wanted to induce labor right away, I thought I had a few weeks left or so, but it all happen so fast.
Next thing I know I'm in hospital giving birth, to my son!! Which was a very smoothe and blessed event.
Thank God. I will try to post a pic? right here if I can?? if not, just check my profile!! Wishing you the best of luck, & many blessing in whatever faze that your in within your own pregnancy journey! Peace & Love!! jbug