teething help?

on 6/16/09 6:18 am - riverside, CA
I am at my wits end..
Aiden has been  "sick" since Thursday last week.. low grade temp like 100-101 ish.. cranky, gassy, slight cough, snotty nose...and gumming at his hands and SCREAMING all the time. he doesn't really eat much either..its just awful..
finally I took him in(my Dr is on vacation) and that Dr said it was probably viral..his ears looked OK, his chest was clear etc.. said the throat is red... OK so give him .08 of Tylenol.. fine.. but seriously he just SCREAMS..I feel so bad for him.. he seems OK one minute..... then SCREAMS again..He seems like his gums ache..I can see a white object back on his upper right top (a molar) he will be 4 months on the 20Th..doesn't have any other teeth yet... so anyone have a baby with teething issues for this long? can he get a molar 1st?

I just don't know what to do with him,,I do the Tylenol, cold rag to chew on. baby oragel,I haven't slept in days..I am just sooo tired..I am worried for him..it just doesn't seem right...

to boot I started potty training my almost 3 year old..ugh..any advise?
on 6/16/09 6:39 am
Valium... for you. J/K.

Josiah is teething but he has been ok. Up a few night screaming and chewing on EVERYTHING. Have you tried Hyland's teething tablets? That is what I have used but like I said, he hasn't been that bad.

247/154/145/139  Highest/Current/Goal/Lowest
on 6/16/09 6:58 am - riverside, CA
Yeah.. I need it lol.. sheesh..
No I have not tried those tablets..do they work? this is crazy he is in so much pain...
Thanks Erica
on 6/16/09 7:38 pm


I totally agree with Erika -- the teething tablets worked wonders for my daughter and I'll be using them again with my son.



*Malena* M.
on 6/16/09 7:05 am - Phoenix, AZ
I would definitely try the teething tablets and stay away from the baby orajel.  That stuff hardens the gums and makes it even worse for the teeth to come in.  Aiden probably isn't getting molars but the white spot you are seeing might just be a cyst on the gums, highly common and not painful.  Libby has had a couple that the pediatrician pointed out to us.  See if motrin does anything for him, maybe the Tylenol isn't helping.  We go back and forth with Libby.  She is 8.5 months old and just now teething.  I got sight of her first two teeth on Sunday and yesterday, teething sucks!!!  She is normally the happiest baby in the world but right now she is a cranky butt.  I feel for you :(

329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07) 
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

Lilypie - (mr7x) 
Lilypie - (FJkW) 
on 6/16/09 7:08 am - riverside, CA
thanks Malena.. is the Motrin dose the same as Tylenol? he is 15 lbs now.. and almost 4 months..
poor guy..I swear I can see a molar just under the skin.. its so odd. my boys all had teeth really early..but my daughter didn't till like 9 months.. ugh.. no one was ever in this much pain..this is crazy..

I didn't know oragel is bad..wow.. thanks..
*Malena* M.
on 6/16/09 7:24 am - Phoenix, AZ
The dosage on Motrin is different than Tylenol.  Here is a helpful website.
http://www.babyzone.com/baby_toddler_preschooler_health/arti cle/ibuprofen-dosage-chart
They say 6 months and up but we were giving Libby motrin before that per her pediatrician.

No baby should ever have to go through the pains of teething.  It bites :(

329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07) 
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

Lilypie - (mr7x) 
Lilypie - (FJkW) 
on 6/16/09 11:14 am - riverside, CA
thanks Malena:-)
Shari M.
on 6/16/09 7:55 am - Wildomar, CA
Hylands teething tablets are the best. Also, try motrin. I just had to laugh because I know how you feel. You think this is bad....just wait until it really is the molars. And I know having a toddler too is hard, but being pg sucks too. Talk about no sleep! Emma has had vomitting diahrea fever and not eating off and on for 7 weeks to break 3 whole teeth! Screaming one minute happy the next. Awake for 2-3 hours at a time at night. Teething plain sucks. I say if you have someone to give you a few hour or night break it will do you wonders. You need your patience and that wears thin when we are tired. Good luck! Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

on 6/16/09 11:16 am - riverside, CA
Thanks Shari.. we are pretty close..(I'm just up the 215) maybe we should switch off lol..

ugh..I know my patience is so thin..I am trying to potty train.. and deal with a sick baby.. and no sleep..not a good combo...
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