Did you just "know"
See now I am getting the pimples - TERRIBLY I feel like a 13 yearl old! BUT I had terrible morning sickness too so according to those old wives tales it could go either way! I was the same way - never had a pimple as a teenager and didn't so anything special. A few people keep teasing me that it's twins!!
Thanks for sharing your story - made me well all up!
Thanks for sharing your story - made me well all up!
I seriously want a baby boy...hubby wants a girl really badly. We can't decide whether to find out or not...The first heart rate was 154...so not sure what that leans towards...My MIL is dying for a baby girl so I will be more than happy to have a boy to ward her off lol
can't wait to hear your update tomorrow!
can't wait to hear your update tomorrow!
Pre-op 284/Current 180/Goal 145 5'5
Surgery Date:April 23, 2007
Nope not for me.......I never had a clue as to what the baby was before they told me. I had people tell me what they thought they were both girls because they had a high heart rate.
I know ladies who have had boys and the heart rate was fast rather than slow. IDK if any of it is true or if they are just old wives tales like they say.
Ash :)
I know ladies who have had boys and the heart rate was fast rather than slow. IDK if any of it is true or if they are just old wives tales like they say.
Ash :)
With my first son, I just knew. The first U/S tech said it was a girl. I told my mom not to get excited because I knew it was a boy. The next U/S confirmed he was a boy.
With this one I didn't know at all. I kind of thought a girl but that might have been me hoping for a girl( but still thrilled to have another boy).
Oh, and I don't think you can count on the heart rate. That theory was off on both of them.
With this one I didn't know at all. I kind of thought a girl but that might have been me hoping for a girl( but still thrilled to have another boy).
Oh, and I don't think you can count on the heart rate. That theory was off on both of them.
When I saw the positive show up on the pregnancy test for the very first time...I instantly had a strong feeling it was a boy. I always had that at the back of my head that he was a boy even though I had people telling me it was a girl. My husband wanted a girl SOOOO bad, but as soon as he was born his eyes welled up. I will never forget the look on his face when the nurse handed Aethyn to him and he was sitting in the chair next to me holding him. All his fears about a boy disappeared in an instant and he wouldn't have it any other way now. He was so worried Aethyn wouldn't like him...yeah right...Aethyn can't get enough of him sometimes! Aethyn's heart beat was always 148-150 ish...pretty normal for a "boy" although I don't really follow the heart rate theory.
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
When I was pregnant with my first, I had a dream that she was a girl...and from that point on, i just knew she was a girl! Well, second pregnancy came along...I had another dream...it was a boy. So I decorated the nursery in blue hot air balloons, cuz I KNEW this baby was a boy because of the dream. Two days before she was born, I took my mom in to show her the nursery...and she said "I sure hope this little girl looks good in blue"...and I just laughed and said Mom...its a boy..I had a dream...well... guess what...when she came out and they said "IT's A GIRL"...I flopped back and said...LOOK AGAIN...its got to be a boy...LOL well...5 babies later...I FINALLY got a boy...LOL I also learned to throw the "dream theory" out the window...cuz my baby girl had nothing but blue to wear for six months...LMAO
When I got pregnant with my son, we decided to find out the gender on ultrasound...when the tech told my hubby it was a boy...he said..."I don't believe you"...he made her go get the doc to look at the u/s to be sure it was a boy...LOL Needless to say...he was MORE than thrilled! he first thing he said is Thank God no more stupid pink head bands with flowers...ROFL
I just hope your baby is healthy and you will love him/her so much it won't matter what sex it is :)
Good Luck!
When I was pregnant with my first, I had a dream that she was a girl...and from that point on, i just knew she was a girl! Well, second pregnancy came along...I had another dream...it was a boy. So I decorated the nursery in blue hot air balloons, cuz I KNEW this baby was a boy because of the dream. Two days before she was born, I took my mom in to show her the nursery...and she said "I sure hope this little girl looks good in blue"...and I just laughed and said Mom...its a boy..I had a dream...well... guess what...when she came out and they said "IT's A GIRL"...I flopped back and said...LOOK AGAIN...its got to be a boy...LOL well...5 babies later...I FINALLY got a boy...LOL I also learned to throw the "dream theory" out the window...cuz my baby girl had nothing but blue to wear for six months...LMAO
When I got pregnant with my son, we decided to find out the gender on ultrasound...when the tech told my hubby it was a boy...he said..."I don't believe you"...he made her go get the doc to look at the u/s to be sure it was a boy...LOL Needless to say...he was MORE than thrilled! he first thing he said is Thank God no more stupid pink head bands with flowers...ROFL
I just hope your baby is healthy and you will love him/her so much it won't matter what sex it is :)
Good Luck!