Return to prepregnancy hcg levels?(after d&c)
How long after your d&c did your levels return to normal? My procedure was on May 13th. I bled for two weeks off and on(mostly on), stopped completely for four days and then bled for six more days. I haven't had any spotting or anything since. Somewhere in there, when I was having a complete breakdown-- I jumped on my hubby. I needed to be close to him. I was losing my mind. I was completely reckless. He's very good at the withdrawel method(again tmi), but I know it's not even close to 100% percent effective.
Please don't slam me. In hindsight, I know how irresponsible this was.
Anyway, it has been 36 days since my d&c. I have been anxiously awaiting my period, but the last four days I've been getting queazy at night and yesterday realized my boobs were very swollen. So I bought a test. It showed a very faint positive. So now I'm wondering if my levels just aren't down to normal yet....or could I possibly be pregnant again? I'm kinda freaking out and beating myself up right any info woul be greatly appreciated.
thanks in Advance and Hugs,
I'm going more by my history of morning sickness very early in pregnancy, my swollen breasts, my huge appetite(which I only have very early in pregnancy) and the fact that I pee every 20 min.
I'm just on a rollercoaster of emotions. I do not want to get excited. I know that getting pregnant this soon after a d&c can cause miscarriage and I'm so weary of it all. It's been a rough couple of months. I think I'll wait a week and test again.If the line is darker I'll call the doc. I'm gonna pray alot and leave it in the Creator's hands.
Thanks Sara,
It took me about 3 weeks to hit 0 HCG. But everyone is different and my levels were already going down prior to the D&C. Also, I was given meds to take a few weeks afterward to start my period (progesterone maybe?). It's been many years so I don't recall the name or time frame. Most drs advise waiting 3 cycles before TTC again, but my RE said conceiving after 1 cycle was all right too.
Honestly, I would call your Dr and see what s/he advises. Maybe a few HCG draws or a blood PG test?
Ugh! I hope you get answers soon and please keep me posted.
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
on 6/16/09 11:43 pm
If I had to bet, I would say take a preg test. Years ago, I got pregnant the month after my miscarriage.
Good luck.