My Future Cubs Fan

on 6/15/09 5:38 am, edited 6/15/09 5:40 am
ETA --  No stripping.... in fact he didn't even do a pelvic exam (as mentioned below). 

First - I have bloody discharge !!!!!!!!!!!  Woohoo!!  It started this morning....and when I peed in a cup at the doc's office there was mucus in the cup (eewww....TMI, sorry!) 

The OB did NOT do a pelvic exam so I don't know if I am dialated more than 1cm -- BUT the pressure sure has increased and I've had contractions (mild and in the back again) on and off since 4am. 

I then went to the Fetal Maternal doctor for a Bio-Physical profile U/S.  The baby is measuring 7lbs 4 oz !!!!!!!  He is "breathing" and heartbeat is great.  There is still enough  fluid for the baby and no sign the cord is around his neck. 

My OB and the FM doc are at odds.  The FM doc says there is no reason to ever let a woman go beyond her due date --- that if the due date is based on an early ultrasound (mine was) then letting a woman go past that 40 week mark doesn't do any good - and may do harm.  The FM says the Pitocin given to induce labor is almost the same as the horomone produced by the body naturally and, he believes, causes no greater chance of c-section. 

The OB is very much a "let nature take its course" type of doctor.  He doesn't even bother with pelvic exams (obviously) because being dialated, or not, really doesn't mean anything if you're not contracting.  (My NST didn't show many contractions)   My OB is apt to leave me until my 42 week mark before talking induction as long as the Bio-Physical U/S shows all is okay. 

The funny thing is I like both the docs and both are, in my mind, very intelligent and best of all don't talk down to me and are very patient with all my worries. 

So I just have to make the decision --- to wait or induce?  Induce or wait?   If we induce it might be as early as Thursday!!!   (we'd start Cervadil on Wed night)  If we wait no induction would take place until after 6/24. 

Maybe my little Cubs Fan will come sooner than Thursday and I won't have to decide!   I'll keep you updated. 


Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago.  God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)

on 6/15/09 5:46 am - Western, CO

First, your shirt is so cute! 
I guess bloody discharge is a good thing, maybe you will go before you have to make a choice.  Just my opinion on my own birthing experience last time, I wouldn't be induced unless there is a medical reason.  I don't believe my son was ready and that is what caused me to later have a c-section.  But that is just my opinion on my situation, they are all different. 

So what do the contractions feel like?  Are they like the braxton hicks ones only worse or are they different?  I was having some weird pains yesterday but don't know what they were.  It was like I had a ton of pressure on my cervix area and it hurt to sit down, I also felt like I had to pee bad but really didn't.  I never had any contractions that I felt with my son so I don't know what they would really feel like.  I always pictured them to feel like bad period cramps??

Well, keep us updated!  We are all anxiously waiting!

 Lilypie - (D7uA)
mini goal, pre pregnancy weight!

on 6/15/09 11:47 am

Mine are feeling like bad period cramps!  I guess I imagined them feeling stronger and higher up than menstrual cramps....  (See the questions I just posted). 

I don't know if these are BH or real ones!   I don't know how to tell..... I am still able to talk through them and probably could hide the fact they are happening, if I had to.  So maybe these are just BH? 

I have had that pressure on my cervix on and off for weeks!  Two nights ago it was sooooo bad I really thought the baby was going to fall out.  (I know, I know....that doesn't happen!).  I have had that "hurts to sit down" feeling on and off.  It's like the baby's head is right there..... but then it goes away.  Guess the baby moves back up? 

Were you induced with your son earlier than 40 weeks? 

The FM OB thinks that if you're over 40 weeks (confirmed over 40 weeks since due dates can be off) that inducing doesn't lead to a greater chance of c-section.  My OB just said "in general inducing leads to more c-sections" but I don't know if he's including those induced early due to other conditions (GD, preeclampsia, etc). 

I will let you know if these "contractions" I am having get worse ! 


Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago.  God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)

*Malena* M.
on 6/15/09 6:04 am - Phoenix, AZ
 Too cute!  I have that same shirt.  Although, I never got the chance to wear it and look pregnant because I never had a baby belly :(  It was sad.  I hope you don't have to make that decision because being induced sucks!!  But, being overly pregnant sucks too.  I need my floors scrubbed.  Want to come do that?  It might start labor LOL  

329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07) 
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

Lilypie - (mr7x) 
Lilypie - (FJkW) 
on 6/15/09 11:50 am

I wear it even if I don't look pregnant.  LOL.  I wore it over the weekend and when people asked me when I was due and I told them "4 days ago" they could not believe I was that far along.   One lady told me I didn't look a day over 5 months pregnant!   Oh well..... the shirt at least let's them know I am pregnant! 

I am so not scrubbing floors.....or drinking castor oil.  I'll try anything else! 


Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago.  God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)

on 6/15/09 6:30 am
I hope the show and mucus are just the right thing to get you going. Now may be the time to do the walking and all. :) Hope he is out soon!
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11

on 6/15/09 11:51 am

If I don't "pop" tonight / early tomorrow and these contractions go away I will walk walk walk tomorrow.

We should have great weather tomorrow - perfect for the zoo or something. 


Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago.  God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)

on 6/15/09 1:29 pm, edited 6/15/09 1:29 pm


You are too cute in this picture!  :)  I'll be thinking of you and your little Cubbies fan!



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