No baby yet..... The contractions stopped about 10am (Guess they were BH....)
I walked several miles around a forest preserve today. I went to an outdoor garden railway show and took tons of pictures -- laying on the ground, squatting to get a good angle, sitting, kneeling... getting up and down over and over and over. NOTHING.
I ate chinese (again) for dinner tonight. Will eat more pineapple.
Tomorrow I have an OB appointment for an NST and possible ultrasound. I hope the appointment at least finds more more dialated than 1cm. He said if I am at least 3cm he'll strip my membranes....
If anything changes you guys will be the 3rd to know (behind my husband and I).
Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)http://www.picturetrail.com/gid8138761
This is just my .02 but I think more than likely you may have been dialating some today... Guess you will see for sure tomorrow but I bet there will be a change... I did this before Zander was born and befor I went into full blown labor with him... Sounds like your baby is getting really close to making his appearance so hang in there...
Keep up doing what you're doing... Try to add some intimacy into the mix tonight... That always seems to get things started too... LOL
Goodluck sweetie... I'm thinking of you and pulling for your baby boy to get here too!! Can't wait to read he's here.... I'm so excited for you!!!
RNY - 12/17/2004
150# kept off over 5 years now - Thank you Dr Kim!!!
LOL...you poor thing. I know you are SO ready for him to get here already. I hope you're at least at 3cm when you go to the dr...or better yet...that you go into labor tonight! All that walking is definitely not hurting...other than mayabe hurting your feet, back, hips, etc.
Hang in there. You're lingering at the finish line just waiting to step over it.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled