Gee, It Only Took 19 Weeks....
To celebrate feeling pregnant, I ordered a Dutailier glider from a local baby store. A little more expensive ($20 to be exact) going local as compared to online, but I did ge to choose from a wider selection of upholstery. It will be ready in 10-12 weeks.
There has been a lot of "external pressure" for me to register. (read: in-laws) Although I'm touched that they are so eager to get things for the new baby, I'm also overwhelmed at the idea of picking things out. Normally, I've very decisive, but pregnancy has thrown me into a loop of indecisiveness that makes me just scratch my head and stare. Seriously, it takes me forever to choose a meal when I go out to eat. Anyhow, this week I began a registry at the famous baby store. I have mixed feelings about it, but since it is THE expected store for new-parents-to-be to register...I'm just going with the flow. My husband suggested we have a private registry within the family which would basically be a series of web links to products we'd like that aren't necessarily available at that baby store. I'm in full support of that idea.
Thanks ladies for letting me share my tale of believing,
Re: Names....nope. We agreed to wait until we learned the gender. Now that we know, it comes as no surprise that my husband wants the baby to have his name. Sort of like how George Foreman has a zillion kids named "George." I love my husband's first name, but it is terribly common in many cultures/religions, etc. It is also his dad's name, but that are NOT Sr./Jr., instead they have different middle names.....which can make it even more confusing because we sometimes refer to them as "Sr." or "Jr." One should hear my MIL and I trying to have a conversation...when we say our husband's name...we have to clarify which one. "Mine or yours?" I've very open to my husband's name as our boy's middle name.
We'll see....
One thing I do know for sure is that my husband and I will keep the name to ourselves until the baby is born.
Everyone thinks they should have a say in the name you pick out. Now I can't imagine Hannah being named anything else. Hannah was honestly the ONLY name we (hubby and I) could agree on!
I know with my first pregnancy it took me till about 24 weeks... and the first time you feel it... you will freak a little lol...
as for the in-laws... just go and register and scan away on whatever catches your eyes... I do highly recommend this swing- it was a god scend!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that swing... Lore slept in it for all naps and over night for months... also you can never ever have enough socks, bibs, or sheets lol... also look for fannel and fuzzy sheets (like those super fuzzy blankets- Lorelei loves her still at 3 lol) to help keep him warm this winter in bed... plus they are so soft!! And heavy blankets...
Sometimes I think that maybe I should but I figure I want to find out the sex first and then will get started. Which is kind of ironic because I don't want to go way to boyish or girlish in case we are blessed with a second child, lol!
I don't remember KNOWING for sure I was feeling my little man until week 22ish. I THOUGHT I felt him earlier (week 20) but looking back on what I know is movement now I am thinking maybei t was gas.....
You'll have to post a picture of the glider when you get it! I'd love to see it.
Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)
I know what you mean about "external pressure". Is this their first grandchild? Bailey is my inlaws first LONG AWAITED grandbaby (his brothers are hopeless! LOL!) and they have been driving me INSANE since the day I found out I was pregnant with Bailey. I was hoping it would be better this pregnancy as maybe the "magic" had worn off. Nope. Seriously want to choke them on a daily basis with the constant unsolicited advice and blatent ignoring of my rules as a parent.
I know you have a good relationship with them so I hope this doesn't happen to you!
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

No, this is not my in-law's first grandchild, as they have 7 of them ranging in age from 8 to 15 years old...yup, 7 grandkids in 7 years from their three daughters. My husband is the only this is an entirely different experience for them...and it's been 8 they are all over this baby already. It's such a stark contrast from my own family *****ally doesn't seem the least bit interested. Sad, really...but that's their choice and they will have to live with the results.
My in-laws and I do have a good relationship, but there are always odd dynamics, y'know? Like for instance, nobody in my in-law family eats butter of dairy products that contain fat...and since I do, I'm some sort of disgusting alien!
In-laws, gotta love 'em, right?
Can't wait to hear your big news!