please ladies i need just a few of your minutes
I struggle with the same thing. Last week I did the 5 day pouch test and I lost 9 pounds. What is important about the pouch test is that it flushes your body of the carbs and sugars that you have been eating. Since the cleanse I have really been watching the carb intake. Not to get back on that track. I wish I could say the same is true for the sugar. I have tried to keep that to a very small amount. In fact I have sugar free jello and pudding to eat.
I am going to get back down to under 200. It is going to take some work, however, I am so up for the challenge.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you are going to do the pouch test. I will be willing help you through it.
I struggle with the same thing. Last week I did the 5 day pouch test and I lost 9 pounds. What is important about the pouch test is that it flushes your body of the carbs and sugars that you have been eating. Since the cleanse I have really been watching the carb intake. Not to get back on that track. I wish I could say the same is true for the sugar. I have tried to keep that to a very small amount. In fact I have sugar free jello and pudding to eat.
I am going to get back down to under 200. It is going to take some work, however, I am so up for the challenge.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you are going to do the pouch test. I will be willing help you through it.
Supporting the fight of Aerial & Aunt Sally 

I don't know if you are having any grazing problems or not but I KNOW I DO!! I had a friend that had a great suggestion to me yesterday and it made me see how much I was grazing. She posted her suggestion on the VSG board and I thought it was great.....
Starting weight - 292
Lowest weight - 152
Current weight (pregnant with 2nd VSG baby) 178
Baby due 3-2011
Starting weight - 292
Lowest weight - 152
Current weight (pregnant with 2nd VSG baby) 178
Baby due 3-2011
I'm a little late reading this so not sure if you will even get my response. I was falling into the same path as you. Day of surgery I was 318lbs. I lost down to 187 but settled into 193 for several years. In 2004 I found out after 10 years of infirtility (I also was 39 years old) that I was pg. I gained around 50 lbs. After having my daughter I lost back down to around 209 and stayed there. Well for a little while but then started gaining again. I have a friend here at work that has a friend that owns a gym. She offered me a deal of $30 a month and she would personal work with me and help with food journaling. Well on 1-26-09 I joined. I weighed 227lbs that day. I went EVERY day on my lunch hour to the gym. Monday through Friday. I never skipped a day shockingly enough to myself. I make sure now that I go at least 4 times a week. Just on my lunch hour. I do cardio every day and weight 3x's a week. I dont have time after work NOR would I want to go work out after work. lol lol I keep a food journal. I mean Every thing good or bad I put in my mouth I wrote down in that journal. I do try to stay around 1500-1800 calories. I drink about 60 oz's of water every day. I dont try and stress over the water thing. I allow myself one diet cherry 7-up at night. Kinda my snack around 8pm. I am happy to say that this am I weighed in at 183. I have found that the orbit gum is very helpful. After I eat I put a piece in my mouth. I really cleans out your mouth and helps down on cravings. I thought that was the silliest thing I had ever heard until I tried it. lol lol I do allow myself one cheat day a week. Usually Sundays. I eat whatever I want. But since I have been doing this I find myself still watching what I eat without even thinking about it on my cheat day. lol lol I hope you find something that works for you. Alot of it you just have to set your mind to. Which in my opinion is the hardest thing!
Good luck,
Good luck,
Forgot to mention that I also NEVER skip meals. I eat breakfast every day (even weekends), lunch, snack, supper, snack. I have also learned that your biggest meal should be breakfast and lightest meal supper. You burn more calories during the day hence after supper you usual sit down, rest, go to bed and those calories just sit there. I eat 2 packets low sugar oatmeal & 2 strips of turkey bacon or 2 packets instant grits & 2 strips of turkey bacon, or 2 multi grain waffels w/ sugar free syrup & 2 strips turkey bacon for breakfast. Or even sometimes a low carb tortilla with 1 slice of 2% cheese, 1 scrambled egg, salsa & 2 strips of turkey bacon. Can you tell I love the turkey bacon. lol lol For lunch I do a sandwich, mustard only on wheat bread. FF or baked chips, pickle, or cucumbers or mostly leftovers from the night before. I also preplan my meals. On sat I cook all my meat for the next week meals. That way all I have to do is come home and fix a veggie and a starch and heat the meat up. And I make sure that I have my entire meal (my breakfast, lunch & snacks that I take to work) prepared prepared and put together so all I have to do is grab it in the a.m. Being prepared is the biggest. We have not eaten out since 1-26 because I am so prepared meal wise now. We have saved alot of money. lol lol I know this isnt for everyone but one of my biggest things was not bringing my lunch to work and running through the drive through. Or not having my supper planned out and stopping topick something up or running back by the grocery store after I had just spent $150 the weekend before on groceries. lol lol