OT: Just for fun......Your Childhood toys?
Hmmm....I played w/Barbies...the neighbor girl across the street from me had the Barbie apartment building w/the elevator, and the Barbie van...so I'd take my Barbies and go play w/her. I also remember when Pong came out on Atari and we had one at home and would play it for hours...then got PacMan and my mother would take it from my sisters and I and play it all night long. I loved to read as a kid, so I read all the Hardy Boys books...but couldn't stand Nancy Drew books.
I got a little doll when I was about 3 years old...she's a black doll, I've never seen another like her. I still have her. I remember I got her for Christmas, and my grandma called her my 'chocolate' baby. Knowing how my grandparents felt about anyone who wasn't white as could be, I am now surprised that they'd give it to me.
My sisters, aunt (who's 2 1/2 years older than me) and I had hot wheels race tracks...the orange ones...an we'd spend more time hitting each other with them than racing cars...and we also got spanked with them by my grandma. We'd have orange welts up and down our legs. It was either that or we'd get sent to the 'switch tree' to pick a switch to get beat with. A few years later, my step father built one of those electric race tracks - a big one - in the basement for my sisters and I and we'd race the cars for hours while listening to a record - yes...black vinyl record! - sometimes Tom T. Hall, who sang my favorite song as a child, 'Sneaky Snake,' and sometimes one w/DIsney music on it - 'Supercalafragilistic...,' 'We are si-a-meese if you pl--ease...we are si-a-meese if you don't please.'...we'd listen to them over and over and over again.
I also loved Dukes of Hazzard (John Schneider was to die for), Happy Days so I could see Cha-chi (Scott Baio), and CHIPS so I could see Erik Estrada.
I know what you mean about saving some of your kids toys. I had a bear that I got at K-mart in NY when my son was little...it was really cute...when you hugged it, it would groan and say 'I like it when you hug me...hug me again,' and the more you squeezed it, the more it would groan...then you'd let it go and it'd say 'Ahhhhh....' and start over w/the 'I like it when you hug me...come on...hug me again!' I sent it to Cheri-the-wench for her daughter. Wish I'd kept it...I debated back and forth, but figured her daughter would like it. Hopefully the wench let her have it...at least she'll have SOMETHING to give her a hug while the wench is in jail.
Gonna go sit in a rocker and crochet an afghan or something now...
Edited to add: I forgot to add...I also got up every morning during summer break to watch Bonanza because Little Joe was on there...I loved Little House on the Praire too...and you could have knocked me over w/a feather when I realized that Little Joe was Pa! And that Adam was Trapper John!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Ash~ Loved New Kids! Saw them in concert twice (how embarassing!) Jordan was my favorite!
Okay I need help with this TV show, I can't remember the name, it was a terrible show but I loved watching it. It was a TV sitcom, with the sister who was a robot (I think her name was Vicky). Anybody remember this one?
And I loved my big wheel...............I thought I was hot stuff.
And Jennifer.......pretending to be a flying monkey??? That is too funny!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
What fun but my oh my am I OLD! I don’t think many of you will be familiar with most of thisL
I loved:
stuffed animals
Baby First Step
Easy Bake Oven (the burners were hot enough that I melted a plastic pot and ruined it)
sea monkeys (unfortunately, I killed them...and lots of goldfish from carnivals, too)
Fisher Price castle, bus, house
For cartoons, I watched Looney Toons. I also watched:
The Brady Bunch
The Partridge Family (I had a crush on David Cassidy)
The Wonderful World of Disney
Mutual of
Born Free (I cried every time the music started)
Candy was:
candy cigarettes
candy necklace
dots (candy buttons)
now and laters
wax lips (and other wax things with liquid in them)