Another Trip to the Pediatrician
I'm doing OK. Finishing up my 2WW after the IUI. I should know by this weekend one way or the other if it worked. It'd be a nice father's day gift...but I'm not very optimistic for whatever reason.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Our yard isn't fenced, but I do get the kids out every day and then again when I go for an early evening walk. Emma is dealing with jealously right now and that just aggravates Ethan. We'll get through it and thankfully Everett's ears seem a bit better today.
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Please send BIG hugs from Nathan and I to Everett and a big huge huge huge hug for you!!!!!!
How was your business trip? Sucks that you couldn't spend those four days with DH, but I hope you get some time together when you're back.
And you're going through all of this while working FT and single parenting! I'm such a schmoo for complaining when I really don't have it that bad.
Thanks for the kind words, dear!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Rant all you need to... I think we all have those days at times when it comes to our little ones...
Zander is teething I believe and has been running fevers a lot it seems... I feel so bad for him right now... He's been running low grade fevers all week and is so fussy at times... He hasn't cut one yet but I think its coming soon... I could just sit and cry when he does... So I know how you feel there... It's hard on mommies too!!
I hope Everett starts feeling much better soon! EI's are tough on kiddos for sure... My thoughts are with you all right now and hope that everyone can become healthy soon in your house... Hang in there!!!
RNY - 12/17/2004
150# kept off over 5 years now - Thank you Dr Kim!!!
Did Zander's tooth finally come in? Ethan seemed to suffer a lot with teething pain whereas Emma didn't really seem bothered by it. I hope he's feeling better soon!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
I'm glad Everett is feeling better... It's definitely rough as a mom sometimes, especially when they are so small and can't come out and tell you something is wrong....
RNY - 12/17/2004
150# kept off over 5 years now - Thank you Dr Kim!!!