37 week 5 day appointment today
Sounds good! The only thing I have ever heard of to make baby drop is walk walk walk!
I know that baby is going to be here before we know it! I am just waiting to see who goes first you or Chrissy! I love being an angel and waiting to share exciting news!!
So with that being said go have a fig newton and enjoy what's left of your pregnancy
I know that baby is going to be here before we know it! I am just waiting to see who goes first you or Chrissy! I love being an angel and waiting to share exciting news!!
So with that being said go have a fig newton and enjoy what's left of your pregnancy

YAY on the good news! They wouldn't break my water with Kellen because he was so high. They were afraid of the cord slipping down into the cervix before his head did.
I think bouncing on exercise ball helped a little since he had a cone head, but he never officially dropped. You could try that! Or, jumping jacks. LOL.
I so hope my babies are about that size!!! As long as they aren't 8-10 lbs a piece like Kellen, I suppose anything would make me happy. ha ha ha....
Can't wait to see pictures of your little Miss Bella!!!
I think bouncing on exercise ball helped a little since he had a cone head, but he never officially dropped. You could try that! Or, jumping jacks. LOL.
I so hope my babies are about that size!!! As long as they aren't 8-10 lbs a piece like Kellen, I suppose anything would make me happy. ha ha ha....
Can't wait to see pictures of your little Miss Bella!!!