Anyone on Medi-cal ins, or welfare/state ins?
I had medicaid in FL when I had my Lex. (I was 5 years post DS) They did pay for everything and were great. I had major iron issues (already had got worse when pregnant) and had to have labs every two weeks, get B12 shots etc. They were really great- I was pleasantly pleased. Even though I would not be 35 until a month after having Lex, they still let my OB treat me as advanced maternal age which meant extra ultrasounds too.
Let me ask you something. Are you already pregnant or are you trying to get pregnant?
If you are already pregnant, well, then there is nothing I can really say to you because you're already there.
However, if you are TTC and already know that you cannot afford this child, then you are not doing the right thing by your child.
And before a million people start throwing fire, I'm not saying you need to be wealthy to have a baby. I'm saying you need to have medical insurance, be able to afford your rent, be able to buy PBJ and toilet paper, and most importantly not live paycheck to paycheck.
I'm sure you really want a baby and want a baby in the worst way, but can you really afford a baby?
Now if you don't fall into these categories, I'll take it back. But if you do fall into the categories that I listed above, then do the right thing by your child and WAIT!
If you are already pregnant, well, then there is nothing I can really say to you because you're already there.
However, if you are TTC and already know that you cannot afford this child, then you are not doing the right thing by your child.
And before a million people start throwing fire, I'm not saying you need to be wealthy to have a baby. I'm saying you need to have medical insurance, be able to afford your rent, be able to buy PBJ and toilet paper, and most importantly not live paycheck to paycheck.
I'm sure you really want a baby and want a baby in the worst way, but can you really afford a baby?
Now if you don't fall into these categories, I'll take it back. But if you do fall into the categories that I listed above, then do the right thing by your child and WAIT!

In defense of Julie, I think if you go back and read everything the OP has posted you will realize why some people have a problem with her. Then you look at the title of her post with the word Welfare in it and I have to admit my first thought is if you need the taxpayers to foot the bill then maybe you should wait to have children.
Personally I am really getting sick of paying more taxes and so are a lot of people who actually pay taxes. For the most part I don't have a problem with people on Wic or Food stamps or even people who get assitance and need help with bills. I do have a problem with people who think it is owed them or ok to milk a system simply because it is there. If you don't have insurance then maybe it isn't the right time to have a child.
My friend's husband left her when she was pregnant with twins. She also found out from her OB that he canceled her medical insurance and quit his job. She ended up on Medicaid and her twins were born at 30 weeks. Their care was over $100,000. Her ex husband is being forced to pay that back but he is over $200,000 behind in child support and on disability now for alcoholism. Don't even get me started on him. Anyway, my point is that even if everything goes smoothly it is expensive to have a baby, when things go wrong it is a huge burden on the state to cover the bills.
My husband just took a 10% cut in pay and he is an RN. He works 2 jobs and we have 4 children, one in college and she doesn't qualify for any kind of tuition assistance. My house if falling apart, my cars are falling apart and we pay a ton in taxes, we pay for our health insurance and Paul worked 40 hours at his second job to pay for our Disney trip coming up. This pay cut came after we paid for Disney or we wouldn't be doing it. If you can't afford something you don't do it. Our government needs to live that way and the people of this country need to also.
Personally I am really getting sick of paying more taxes and so are a lot of people who actually pay taxes. For the most part I don't have a problem with people on Wic or Food stamps or even people who get assitance and need help with bills. I do have a problem with people who think it is owed them or ok to milk a system simply because it is there. If you don't have insurance then maybe it isn't the right time to have a child.
My friend's husband left her when she was pregnant with twins. She also found out from her OB that he canceled her medical insurance and quit his job. She ended up on Medicaid and her twins were born at 30 weeks. Their care was over $100,000. Her ex husband is being forced to pay that back but he is over $200,000 behind in child support and on disability now for alcoholism. Don't even get me started on him. Anyway, my point is that even if everything goes smoothly it is expensive to have a baby, when things go wrong it is a huge burden on the state to cover the bills.
My husband just took a 10% cut in pay and he is an RN. He works 2 jobs and we have 4 children, one in college and she doesn't qualify for any kind of tuition assistance. My house if falling apart, my cars are falling apart and we pay a ton in taxes, we pay for our health insurance and Paul worked 40 hours at his second job to pay for our Disney trip coming up. This pay cut came after we paid for Disney or we wouldn't be doing it. If you can't afford something you don't do it. Our government needs to live that way and the people of this country need to also.
I will still say that the response was not kind or necessary.
I would liken that to this: how would you have felt if you would have been told you had no business having YOUR last child due to your cir****tances...i.e. one income, budget tight, etc?? I'm sure you would have been offended on some level. I *get* what you mean with the things you say as far as taxes and whatnot, I'm sure the "average Joe" feels the same much of the time. I know many people personally are more than fine enough to work, yet sit at home and collect a check because it's easier for them...they wear better and do a lot more than we do, and we are a 2 income family. I don't do what I can't afford either!!! I just think sometimes people don't need to say certain things or assume it's their business, KWIM?
I would liken that to this: how would you have felt if you would have been told you had no business having YOUR last child due to your cir****tances...i.e. one income, budget tight, etc?? I'm sure you would have been offended on some level. I *get* what you mean with the things you say as far as taxes and whatnot, I'm sure the "average Joe" feels the same much of the time. I know many people personally are more than fine enough to work, yet sit at home and collect a check because it's easier for them...they wear better and do a lot more than we do, and we are a 2 income family. I don't do what I can't afford either!!! I just think sometimes people don't need to say certain things or assume it's their business, KWIM?
Wow!! I simply was trying to get s feel for all of our options. I am thankful for your opinions. Why do you feel the need to attack me? Asking if I am married? What business is it of yours. Yes I am married to a wonderful man who is in between jobs right now. He just separated from the military. We are still waiting on some things to work themselves out.
So once again thank you for your advice. But do not judge me. You do not know me!
So once again thank you for your advice. But do not judge me. You do not know me!