Niko has the dreaded

on 6/10/09 5:04 am - IN
unexplained high grade fever. This morning he woke up crying at 3:30. This is NOT like him. I thought "oh he must be wet, hungry, teething". You know- the normal list. I got him out of his crib and his legs were so hot, I almost dropped him. I then thought he had a teething fever and it was breaking-so I didn't immediately take it or give him anything. I did, however, take him into our bed. By 4:30 he was even hotter. His temp was 104.6. I gave him motrin. An hour later it was 100.8, but by 7 am, it was going back up at 103.8. He s not coughing. There is no rash or diarrhea. He was just laying there...not being normal Niko. Soooo---I took him into the doc. He has no ear infection, no symptoms at all, other than the fever(105.8) and lethargia. She has me giving him motrin and tylenol. It is down to 101.9. Doc is having me monitor him and bring him back on Friday so she can make sure he's okay over the weekend. She's veryconcerned about him having a seizure. If the fever does not go away completely by next week, she wants to run some tests. My poor guy. I think it stil may be because he's cutting those two front teeth. He keeps rubbing his tongue from side to side on his top gums. They're gonna be SOME chompers. I'll keep you updated.

Hugs to you all,

on 6/10/09 5:23 am - Gettysburg, PA
Yikes, I hate sick babies. Especially unexplained sickness. I certainly hope that fever breaks and it's only those 2 chompers making him miserable!

Good luck to you and Niko! Hope he feels better soon.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



*Malena* M.
on 6/10/09 5:37 am - Phoenix, AZ
You poor thing :(  Libby got a high grade fever back a few weeks ago and we couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Tylenol worked for an hour or two at the most, then Motrin would do the same.  After they wore off it was right back up again.  Russ brought her in to the doctor and no ear infection.  Russ noticed she was having a hard time eating, she would suck on her bottle for a few minutes then scream.  He mentioned it to the doctor and asked her to look in her mouth.  I guess that is not typical because babies do not get strep throat, didn't know that until then.  However, the doctor noticed she had herpangina, which are just blisters in the mouth.  It was horrible!!  Since it is a virus there is not any medicine that can kill it.  We just had to give her Tyenol and Motrin to keep her comfortable and got her faster flow nipples so she didn't have to suck on her bottle as hard since it irritated her mouth.  Did the doctor check Niko's mouth?  I had never heard of herpangina but it is really common in infants and children.

329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07) 
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

Lilypie - (mr7x) 
Lilypie - (FJkW) 
Liz R.
on 6/10/09 5:38 am - Easton, PA
aww poor baby :( Hope that he feels better soon!!!

Now I don't know much about babies, being a first time Mommy to be - but can you give him a cool bath or anything like that too to help bring it down? I can't imagine being that hot is much fun for him poor little body!
Bridget P.
on 6/10/09 5:44 am - Leechburg, PA
I am surprised that they didn't do a spinal tap to check for spinal meningitis.  When Kaitlyn was only 3 weeks old, she had an unexplained high grade fever and she was in the hospital for 3 days.  They performed a spinal tap to be sure she didn't have meningitis.  My son Sam had a febrile seizure from a fever.  It wasn't like a seizure you see on TV or anything like that.  He kinda spaced out a little and drooled and wasn't all "there" for a few minutes.  No explaination... but the fever went away and no more seizures ever. 

I hope Niko is ok and this breaks soon.


 Lilypie - (CD61)     Lilypie - (CEud)

on 6/10/09 6:44 am
Oh poor Niko and poor Mommy! It is so hard when our little ones are too young to tell us what's going on, and then to not have a medical explanation too. My BIL had many high grade fevers as a baby, all were unexplained and none included seizures. He is a healthy 40 year old now. I'm praying things improve for Niko and hang in there, Angie!


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
Donna M.
on 6/10/09 6:46 am - Long Beach, CA
Your post makes me so sad for him! There's nothing worse than a sick baby, especially when you don't know why! I hope he's feeling better soon with a lower or no fever! -Donan
on 6/10/09 7:06 am
Nylah had the same thing over the weekend - no symptoms but high fever that went down with Motrin. We went to the doctor and they said teeth as well. It went away the next day and she has been fine ever since!! Good luck - teeth suck but boy we sure do need them later LOL
on 6/10/09 7:43 am - IN

Thanks ladies. It did go down, but went back up to 103.9 right before time for a new dose. He had his menningitus vaccine at six months. She checked his mouth for blisters...nope. He's just such a sweetie. He's not crying really...just whining and looking up at me and then drifting off and on.


on 6/10/09 9:27 am - Sumner, WA
Poor punkin.  Kellen had this a few months ago.  It finally went away on its own.  I hope the same goes for Niko.  Kellen's lasted 3 days.  They said after that they really wanted me to take him to ER but luckily, it was gone on that last day.

Good luck and make sure not to swaddle him too tight or let him get too cold.  I did that with Holden once.  Gave him a cool bath and then he turned blue - caused the fever to go even higher! 

Mom to Holden (5 yrs), Kellen (2 yrs) and Clara and Chloe born 11/6/09

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