Belive it or not I stay pretty busy. I have a list of things I do daily not including taking care of the family. I also do crafts, bake cakes, cookies, make hairbows, scrapbook, go shopping, have playdates, out to eat lunch, kids to the park, go swimming, dog to groomer, go to dr appts, find time for DH, cook meals, clean, keep things nice, organized and in order, pamper my self when I can, play with the kids, check emails, pay bills, check OH, Myspace, Facebook, Ebay, talk on the phone to other SAHM, run errands, etc, etc, etc,! That's pretty much my everyday life. I found I had zero time to do any of this when I was working......
I never, ever get bored being at home. Heck I don't even have time to sit and watch TV. I have to TiVo everything and watch it later. I have to make myself sit down and eat during the day.
My question is how do you do everything and work full time? I give working mom's props...... :)
Life is crazy sometimes!
Ash :)
I went to school for business and have my associates degree in business administration. I worked full time and even picked up a second job. I was fortunate enough to have that second job turn into my career today! I'm an independent contractor (direct sales) and I am able to be a stay-at-home Mom and still bring home a full-time income. What's so awesome about this is that I also get to leave the house on average of two nights a week for some adult company and conversation when I do my cooking shows. I really do feel like this is a win win situation for our family.
There's so many opportunities out there like this, it really just depends on what you're into. What's also great about something like this is that you CAN still go to school as well at the same time if you think that's something you'd really like to do, it's flexible enough...
Just my two cents"> src="" alt="pregnancy week by week" border="0" />
Having said that, whatever you choose will be ok. You are not a bad mom or a bad person if you do not stay at home. I think that your heart is telling you something and for me, I am always happiest when I listen. Good luck whatever you decide.