constant spitting up..sigh:-(

on 6/7/09 12:48 pm - riverside, CA
Aiden is almost 4 months(on the 20th) He is a great baby..always happy, sleeping through the night....such a  sweetie pie:-).......BUT he is constantly spiting up..I mean all flippin day..I am careful to burp him really well sit him up after etc... doesn't matter.
I change his outfit and mine a few times a day and have a million burp cloths and have tried everything..its still such an issue.

He is on zantac for GERD... but this spiting up is such a mess, smelly and a pain.I cant  hold him in nice clothes or on the furniture cause he barfs on everything.. never fails..I have even stopped walking cause i had him in the carrier and he just barfs all over me..sigh....

I don't know what to do..I am so sick of this..anyone have advise? The kids nick named him the barfenator~
I was thinking some rice cereal in the formula?if so how much... not sure if this will help things.. had tried similac RS(added rice cereal formula way back and it was so "foamy" ,he hated it)
I have had him on every formula under the sun at this point and they all have the spit up issue.. but with what he is on now.. he doesn't have the gas pains...
He is on enfamil gentlease....
on 6/7/09 1:55 pm - Laurel, MS
No advice here other than if you aren't using Dr. Brown's bottles, give them a try.  They were a miracle for my youngest 6 yrs ago.

pregnancy week by week">>Melissa
Mommy of 3 daughters & 1 on the way!


on 6/8/09 4:56 am - riverside, CA
Rebecca S.
on 6/7/09 2:31 pm - Platteville, WI
RNY on 12/14/04 with
I have no real advice for you either, but I second the Dr Browns bottles!  Aethyn is 8 months and is still spitting up all the time.  It is better then he used to be, but he is still spitting up all Day long.  He should grow out of it by the time he is a year old....that's what they keep telling me!  (I know seems like a long time)  It is a weak stomach valve that hasn't matured yet!  A lot of times they outgrow it when they start sitting up on their own or crawl...That didn't matter for he is to the point when he is crawling all over and if he pukes and sees it in front of him....he puts his hands in it a smears it on the floor! It is SOOOO gross!!    We change cloths a lot too!  We have tried every formula out there also!  We settled on the Enfamil is kind of foamy if you shake it....(I like the Ready to feed best-it isn't foamy, but it is expensive)  Have you tried to make his bottles the night before and keep them in the fridge?  That seems to help the foam a could also put a small amount of Gas drops in his formula to help the foam.  I also strain his powder formula with a flour sifter a few time before putting it in a bottle!  Makes for a lot of dishes, but it does help!    Sorry I don't have anything else, just my experiance...try to hang in there-it won't last forever!

Becca laugh-9/2007laugh-10/2012 (Forever in our !)

Lilypie - (pVjW)Lilypie - (Trlr)



on 6/8/09 4:56 am - riverside, CA
Thanks Becca,
yes ready to feed is better I agree and I do make them ahead If I use powder....
   the only time I really don't use pre at night or early am when he wakes..I keep powder and bottle with H2o by my bed(I am too lazy to go downstairs) but seriously He doesn't spit up all night..strange.. I feed him and lay him barfing all night laying down??hummm that's that I think of it...
on 6/7/09 5:19 pm - Sumner, WA
Oh this is all too familiar!!  I used to cry during the nightime feedings because I'd have to feed him, burp him, hold him upright for over 20 minutes, and then worry like hell he'd choke on his own vomit.  He slept in a boppy - even though he wasn't supposed to. 

We used Infamil AR and stopped his feeding as soon as he seemed done, never continued trying to get him to "finish" his bottles.  He ALWAYS wore a large bib.  Along with the AR, we started him on rice cereal before 3 months I think.  It helped a little but he still had to have the same amount of formula and still puked.  Just smaller amounts at each time - if I recall correctly. 

We ended up doing all the stuff early...rice cereal, oatmeal, fruit, veggies...he was on baby food BEFORE 6 months.  I just couldn't handle all the puking.  Everyone in the house looked like a bird crapped on their shirts because Kellen would "leave his mark" on everyone he touched.  It was so hard!  But it did fade out after 6 months with more food.  I want to say 9 months it really slowed down. 

I'm sorry you are going thru this!  BIG BIBS.   We used the Playtex drop-in bottles so we could push all the air out of the bottles ourselves.  That's about it.  Oh, and Holden had such a week stomach that every time he saw Kellen puke, he'd start wretching.  It was funny and not all at the same time. 

Good luck!
Mom to Holden (5 yrs), Kellen (2 yrs) and Clara and Chloe born 11/6/09

on 6/7/09 11:22 pm
OMG Sandy, I'm reading your reply while laughing and crying at the same time! You sooo described my life! No matter what I do or don't do, Everett hurls. I've got a call into the ped, as Amy suggested we rule out PS. Emma hurls every time Everett does, so it's double the clean up.

Tricia, Everett is on Zantac and we use the Dr Brown bottles. They're better as far as gas, but no help with spit up. I switched to the ready to feed formula as the powdered Similac Sensitive was nasty. That helped improve things a *little*

It is crazy, but thanks to a friend's suggestion, I lined our couch and chairs with towels. I have taken to wearing hand-towels over my shoulders and I tuck one in like a bib whenever Everett is in the sling or front pack. I put a towel over him in the carseat too. We give him gripe water a few times a day and tried Mylicon with no luck. Like Sandy said, I keep him upright after every feeding for at least 30 minutes, which means no sleep for mom.
I'm sorry, I don't have any suggestions, just the same complaint as you. Most babies outgrow it by 12 months, but that's forever to the person wearing spit up 24/7.

Hugs to you and hoping you find a solution soon!

DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
on 6/8/09 4:48 am - riverside, CA
I know you understand..I was so happy to get Aiden past the gassy stage..and then once that passed ....he was so happy and so was I lol.. but this constant spitting so gross and such a mess. It does seem to have peaked last few days... so maybe the 4 month mark  is the reason???

I will call the Dr and see if the dose of Zantac needs to be increased.. I also took your advise and covered up the sofa and I will bring out the towels. ha ha ...
a hand towel is way better for coverage than those burp clothes... especially for these barfy guys:-)

you should get my package today:-)
on 6/8/09 4:51 am - riverside, CA
sooo funny Sandy.. the bird crap comment... hilarious...... i also love the idea about bibs..why didn't I think of that?? i broke out the big box today..will use those to help save an outfit... welll HIS outfit..mine will still look like I had ben playing with the birds LOL.....ha ha
thanks again
on 6/7/09 9:01 pm
No advice...but I had to lave at the barfenator.  I hope it gets better soon...and at least you can look on the bright side...summer's coming, so hopefully he'll be wearing less clothes, so less to change?

Have you asked the dr?  Did he/she have any advice, or did he/she just say to live with it?

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