TTC and have questions!
I went to the doctor on Friday for my Day 14 U/S and consult with the doctor. The doctor said it looked as if I have already ovulated. He saw fluid and no follicles. My doctor cut my dosage of Femara in half this month, because last month I had 6 follicles. She wasn't going to have me take the progesterone test on Day 21 but now they want me to. I was really upset. The doctor told me and DH to have intercourse as much as possible for the next couple of days. We have spent the whole weekend at the ballpark with our son but managed to get things done at least once a day since our appt. This was our 3rd month on fertility treatment and this was the first time this has happened. I just don't know what to think. I just hate that we now have no clue how the meds worked for me this month. So my question is..... if I ovulated sometime on or before Friday and then had intercourse on Fri. and Sat is there any chances of conceiving? I am so confused and frustrated!
Did you happen to do the deed anytime before friday?? If you did in fact ovulate on Friday the egg lives about 24 hours. Sperm live for up to 5 days. (I got pg this time with sex 3 days before o.)
2 things concern me. If you are on meds like this they really should start monitoring you by cd 10, but really no later than cd12. Also you should definately be doing opk's so that if you have your surge before you are scheduled to be can go in right away and not miss the iui opportunity. And finally, I would suggest temping so that you know for sure when you ovulate.
I would say there is still a chance.
2 things concern me. If you are on meds like this they really should start monitoring you by cd 10, but really no later than cd12. Also you should definately be doing opk's so that if you have your surge before you are scheduled to be can go in right away and not miss the iui opportunity. And finally, I would suggest temping so that you know for sure when you ovulate.
I would say there is still a chance.

Yes, we had sex on Tues night. If I don't get pregnant then I will use one next month. What do I need to know about temp? I have never paid attention to that. I have never been able to tell when ovulation occurs because my cycle have been so irregular. But since surg and bc I have been 28 to 31 days. I just need to know exactly what to do to maximize our chances! The last 2 months I've had my scans before O and this month, too late. I wasn't exactly sure how long the egg would servive! Thanks for all of your help. How can I be apart of the TTCers? The ladies are here are great! is a great website about temping. You really shouldn't need to temp if you are being monitored closely. Your temp is usually a certain range before o and there is a sustained temp rise after o...confirming o. It is possible that you had an annovulatory cycle because you had such a huge response last month. The only way to really know would be temping...or actually a cd21 progesterone test would tell too....probably why your doc wants that to be sure you o'd.
Give me your name, how long ttc, is this your first baby? I will add you to the list.
Give me your name, how long ttc, is this your first baby? I will add you to the list.

Now that I think about flow this month wasn't like it has been. One day 1 it was just brown discharge and then D2 was bright red and the heaviest flow I've had in years and then D3 was brown discharge and that was it. My normal flow is 5 days.I shouldve told the dr but didn't think about it.I don't know about anyone else but when I get in there my mind goes blank.So many ?s and so little time! Jennifer