Did the IUI Saturday....
I went in Saturday for the IUI. Everything went fine. DH's sperm count was very good (+40 million after the wash). Now it's just a matter of waiting.
I had some spotting when I came home, which I assume is normal. It's stopped now. Now I just feel really bloated...can't tell if it's gas, ovulation, constipation or a combination of the three? I thought I was ovulating yesterday (Saturday), because I had the trigger shot Friday, but my temp hasn't gone up today (Sunday)so don't know if I've ovulated.
I go back in to the dr tomorrow (Monday) for an u/s to see if I've ovulated...and if not, then we'll do another round of IUI.
I was surprised...the cost of IUI was about $170, plus the $75 for the trigger shot, and $33 for each u/s. Initially when I talked to the dr, he said it was about $400-$500 for the IUI, but I guess that's his estimate including all the add ons? A pleasant surprise, one way or the other!
I've been 'prescribed' enforced bedrest (or couch rest...either way, sitting on my ass rest...) by my DH for the next few days...so I'll be twiddling my thumbs, staring at walls, cross stitching...whatever it takes to entertain me.
I had some spotting when I came home, which I assume is normal. It's stopped now. Now I just feel really bloated...can't tell if it's gas, ovulation, constipation or a combination of the three? I thought I was ovulating yesterday (Saturday), because I had the trigger shot Friday, but my temp hasn't gone up today (Sunday)so don't know if I've ovulated.
I go back in to the dr tomorrow (Monday) for an u/s to see if I've ovulated...and if not, then we'll do another round of IUI.
I was surprised...the cost of IUI was about $170, plus the $75 for the trigger shot, and $33 for each u/s. Initially when I talked to the dr, he said it was about $400-$500 for the IUI, but I guess that's his estimate including all the add ons? A pleasant surprise, one way or the other!
I've been 'prescribed' enforced bedrest (or couch rest...either way, sitting on my ass rest...) by my DH for the next few days...so I'll be twiddling my thumbs, staring at walls, cross stitching...whatever it takes to entertain me.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Glad to hear it went well!!! 40+ million - that rocks!!!! My DH only had abut 7 million after the wash when I got preggo with Bailey. :) I spotted after mine too - I think it is from them sticking the catheter through your cervix.
Great price on the IUI!!! Mine were like $500 last summer (meds, appointments ultrasounds) per cycle last summer.
Keep us posted - here is to a BFP in a few weeks!
Great price on the IUI!!! Mine were like $500 last summer (meds, appointments ultrasounds) per cycle last summer.
Keep us posted - here is to a BFP in a few weeks!
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

I guess w/that many little sperms running around, it's like winning the lottery if one makes it? I laughed when the nurse said 'it only takes one.' It takes one...but it takes umpteen million of them to find the 'one.'
I guess w/that many little sperms running around, it's like winning the lottery if one makes it? I laughed when the nurse said 'it only takes one.' It takes one...but it takes umpteen million of them to find the 'one.'
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Thanks. I'm listening to DH about most things...sitting here working on my cross stitching (it's a big, complicated one I'm working on...so I might actually make some progress)...
How's Nathan? Still have an unset tummy? Hope he's feeling better soon. It's hard enough on you being a 'single mommy' w/o being a single mommy w/a sick baby.
How's Nathan? Still have an unset tummy? Hope he's feeling better soon. It's hard enough on you being a 'single mommy' w/o being a single mommy w/a sick baby.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled