More Poopy Advice Needed
I was told that when you have children you would talk more about poop than ever that is true...
So, Nathan and I just got back from our first plane trip to Boston to see my little brother graduate from business school....and while we were there he started having day was 7 times....of course he has a diaper rash pretty bad again :( he has a low grade fever and today he started actually am moving him to pedialyte right now, gave him some tylenol again and taking care of the diaper rash....I am more worried about the diahrea...seems right after he has a bottle he gets it....he has had a slight little rash on his cheeks with some red too....
Any thoughts? Could it be teething as he is drooling up a storm....could it be allergic to some solids...which I stopped and have just been doing bottles the last 24 hours....could he becomming lactose intolerant? I may try going back to Soy on Monday....
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, do you have any other ideas?
We did have a great trip and a fun time and Nathan got some wings on the plane today and he was a champ going to all graduation activities, plane ride, family time and sleeping in the was soooo good to see my family too....but bittersweet as I had to say goodbye....I always get very melancholy for a few days because I miss them so much....I wish there were a plan for us all to be closer....we will see what God has in store for that....
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts if you have some....
Ann and Nathan
So, Nathan and I just got back from our first plane trip to Boston to see my little brother graduate from business school....and while we were there he started having day was 7 times....of course he has a diaper rash pretty bad again :( he has a low grade fever and today he started actually am moving him to pedialyte right now, gave him some tylenol again and taking care of the diaper rash....I am more worried about the diahrea...seems right after he has a bottle he gets it....he has had a slight little rash on his cheeks with some red too....
Any thoughts? Could it be teething as he is drooling up a storm....could it be allergic to some solids...which I stopped and have just been doing bottles the last 24 hours....could he becomming lactose intolerant? I may try going back to Soy on Monday....
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, do you have any other ideas?
We did have a great trip and a fun time and Nathan got some wings on the plane today and he was a champ going to all graduation activities, plane ride, family time and sleeping in the was soooo good to see my family too....but bittersweet as I had to say goodbye....I always get very melancholy for a few days because I miss them so much....I wish there were a plan for us all to be closer....we will see what God has in store for that....
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts if you have some....
Ann and Nathan
Oh we knew, lol. She was pooping like 10 times a day. We took her to the Dr. and he said she's probably got lactose issues because I do. So we switched her to soy and bam, no more diarrhea. It was like having a new child.
My mom was watching the kids one day and gave Dylan one of Jack's bottles by mistake. (he drinks regular formula) Poor child was poop city just from the one bottle.
My mom was watching the kids one day and gave Dylan one of Jack's bottles by mistake. (he drinks regular formula) Poor child was poop city just from the one bottle.

Stress can play a part in something like that, and it could be a combination of a few things. I would change as little as possible (like don't go back to soy yet, keep on solids, but ones he's had) so that you can figure out which one it is. The plane trip and teething, along with seeing lots of people in a new environment could be it. Give him a few days to acclimate too, but keep him hydrated and call the doctor if you feel you need to. Good luck, and I hope he's feeling better soon!
Thank you so much always have good reminders and advice.....I am going to pick up the solids again today and have him on some pedialyte....his diahrea is sometimes green....which is most concerning to me....I am going to baby baby baby him today and hope he is getting better....his temp this morning was only 98.9 so it has gotten better....probably helped for him to be back in his own bed....
How are your little guys doing?
How are your little guys doing?