FRIDAY TTC POST~ Late...ooops
I did a separate post re my IUI, but briefly...I'm CD 16 today, did the IUI Saturday, w/the trigger shot on Friday. My temp did not go up this morning (Sunday) as I thought it would, so I take that to mean that I have not ovulated yet.
Oh the other hand...I FINALLY got a positive OPK...which I know is most likely a result of the trigger shot...but was a positive when I know I'm getting ready to ovulate, so it's a step in theright direction. I've never got a +OPK before, even on months when I've gotten pg.
I'm feeling very bloated right now...don't know if it's the ovulation, gas, constipation or what.
I go in for another u/s tomorrow to confirm if I o'd. If not, we'll do a second IUI round...if so...then we wait...(im)patiently. The dr did say that my follicles looked good...that given my age, I've responded very well to the clomid, and the follies were a good shape. He said normally if there's a problem w/the eggs, they're an odd shape and mine were we'll see if one of my DH's +40 million good little swimmers can get the job done...and then see if my girls will do their part. Dr also said that the fact I got pg 3x at age 40 relatively easily gives me decent odds on the IUI working.
Good luck to everyone...and Shari, I hope your tests went well.
Oh the other hand...I FINALLY got a positive OPK...which I know is most likely a result of the trigger shot...but was a positive when I know I'm getting ready to ovulate, so it's a step in theright direction. I've never got a +OPK before, even on months when I've gotten pg.
I'm feeling very bloated right now...don't know if it's the ovulation, gas, constipation or what.
I go in for another u/s tomorrow to confirm if I o'd. If not, we'll do a second IUI round...if so...then we wait...(im)patiently. The dr did say that my follicles looked good...that given my age, I've responded very well to the clomid, and the follies were a good shape. He said normally if there's a problem w/the eggs, they're an odd shape and mine were we'll see if one of my DH's +40 million good little swimmers can get the job done...and then see if my girls will do their part. Dr also said that the fact I got pg 3x at age 40 relatively easily gives me decent odds on the IUI working.
Good luck to everyone...and Shari, I hope your tests went well.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Finishing up my 2ww very impatiently. I have tested 3 times and gotten 3 BFN but each one was too early. Like I said, I'm impatient. Imma be a good girl and wait until I should to test again. Still sick and sore.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10