Gallbladder removal
I had mine out in September, it wasn't as easy as Jackie's. Infact to me my RNY was easier! I was sent home the same day, surgery on monday, back to work the following monday. I would definately get someone to help you with Max for a day or 2 afterwards, if not only because you'll still be coming out of the anestesia fog and won't be 100% with it. Not sure how much he is weighing these days but he might also be "over limit" so you wouldn't be able to walk around carrying him.
When are you having it out?
PS - I should add that mine wasn't stones, it was diseased, the gall bladder muscle was "pumping" in the wrong direction - so this may have made my recovery harder, they do say the worse it gets the harder the recovery
When are you having it out?
PS - I should add that mine wasn't stones, it was diseased, the gall bladder muscle was "pumping" in the wrong direction - so this may have made my recovery harder, they do say the worse it gets the harder the recovery
Not sure when it will be, soon I hope! Max weighs about 15 pounds so not sure if he is over the limit. Good thing I can stay with my mom while my husband is at work 6p-6a and then sleeps till noon. He would take a couple days off but vaca is already scheduled for our trip to disney and that can't be changed and the other weeks were taken off for when Max was born.
Thanks ladies!!!!!!
oh yeah it is stones that I have and frigin kidney stones all the time----lucky me
Thanks ladies!!!!!!

oh yeah it is stones that I have and frigin kidney stones all the time----lucky me
Little Angel 8/14/09 ectopic
I had mine out when my now 6 yr old was only 3 -4 months old. It was before my RNY so I was overweight (probably 230#s). Mine wasn't easy either. Not as bad as RNY but I was in alot of pain. It hurt like crazy to hold my baby in my lap (she was fat 14 or more #s by then). I had shooting pains in the drainage area & such on & off for about 2 yrs...nothing severe but irritating. I also had an umbilical hernia after that. I think it was from the incision in my belly button .
I had mine out almost 14 years ago (pre-WLS) via lap. I had the surgery around 10 a.m. and walked in my door at home around 5 p.m. My son was 6 weeks old at the time. I'd say you will need some help for at least a day or so...because if you're anything like me, my right shoulder hurt like hell. Something to do w/the gas they pump into your belly. The 'holes' from the lap didn't hurt at all...only my shoulder.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I had mine out in wasn't too bad, but it wasn't fun either. I was sore...I had my mom for about a week...I would say have help also. I was still nursing Aethyn at the time but my milk dried up during that period because it was painful to have pressure on my abdomen. I had the choice of staying overnight or going home that day. They would have liked to keep me overnight but since I had Aethyn and was still nursing they agreed to let me ho home. Hope you feel better soon! Painful stuff!!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our