Scheduling IVF Procedure While Still Breastfeeding
We are scheduled for In Vitro later this month. One RE told me I could still breastfeed a maximum of 1-2 times a day and not have it affect my chances much, if at all. The other RE said if I wanted the best chance, I should not be breast feeding at all starting with my last period before the IVF. So, we worked on weaning and Elijah is down to one before-bedtime feeding. I started my period yesterday and bottle fed him last night. Now I have to really I breastfeed him tonight and continue once a night (my heart is having a hard time with stopping and I don't know why; he was fine...milk is milk as far long as cuddling is involved) or do I stop all together (which my head says is the best thing to do). Does anyone know why chances of pregnancy might decrease if I continue to breastfeed; we all know women who have been surprised by a pregnancy while breastfeedingg :-) Any words of advice or encouragement?
However, women that breastfeed get pregnant all the time so, I don't know. I'm sure the injectable hormones are also a factor as to why they are telling you to stop.
You want my personal opinion? Stop. Why spend all that money and not do everything in your power to make it the best cycle possible?
I'm sure it's going to be hard, but your bond will not be any less.