The skinny on breast pumps
Ok, I'm determined - DETERMINED - to really give breastfeeding my all this time around. The thought of buying formula for TWO babies just makes my stomach turn. Although, feeding two on the boob don't sound much more pleasant either...
I did NOT have an easy time with this. I know I need a REALLY good pump. I got a playtex one last time and it sucked! And I mean in a bad way. I had to end up renting a Medela Lactina last time and they only let me have it for 3 months with my insurance. I would love another one but even on eBay, they seem expensive.
Do any of you have any suggestions? What about used pumps? I see the Medela Pump In Style all over the place on eBay but wanted to know what you all have used. I do not have an adequate milk supply at all and know I will probably have to supplement and use supplements too. They say I'm inverted but I think that's BS. They don't pucker in or anything and look big to me! LOL!
Anyhoo, thanks for you input...they are sooooo expensive that I want to get it right this time!!
I did NOT have an easy time with this. I know I need a REALLY good pump. I got a playtex one last time and it sucked! And I mean in a bad way. I had to end up renting a Medela Lactina last time and they only let me have it for 3 months with my insurance. I would love another one but even on eBay, they seem expensive.
Do any of you have any suggestions? What about used pumps? I see the Medela Pump In Style all over the place on eBay but wanted to know what you all have used. I do not have an adequate milk supply at all and know I will probably have to supplement and use supplements too. They say I'm inverted but I think that's BS. They don't pucker in or anything and look big to me! LOL!
Anyhoo, thanks for you input...they are sooooo expensive that I want to get it right this time!!
Sandy... I could never latch with emma and pumped, I blame it on not being able to bond properly. It completely sucked. You aren't gonna have time to pump and feed both babies. I am not trying to discourage you at all... I am saying give bf a 100% shot...try not to have to use the pump at all. If you really need one have the insurance help you again. Pumping doesn't produce milk the way just plain old feeding does.
Remember I had that bad c-sect wound... I was exhausted and having to pump and feed her was way too hard... I can't imagine 2. I will tell you what, this time I am going to advocate for my bonding is so important in the beginning. But for is great you want to do this. I see mommies of twins and they feed one and then the other...routinely! You can do this! Shari
Remember I had that bad c-sect wound... I was exhausted and having to pump and feed her was way too hard... I can't imagine 2. I will tell you what, this time I am going to advocate for my bonding is so important in the beginning. But for is great you want to do this. I see mommies of twins and they feed one and then the other...routinely! You can do this! Shari
I had a horrible time breast feeding with my son. I blame it on my huge boobs( have since had a reduction) and the ped dr freaking out because my son wasn't gaining enough weight. So I started pumping and supplementing with formula. Well that didn't work out so well and my supply went way down. I was so stressed out that I was miserable! But I did buy the Medela pump in style and it worked great, I just didn't produce enough by then to make it work. I can't remember what I paid for it, I think like $250?? It even came with a car adaptor. It was a double one that pumped both sides at once. I know it seemed like a thousand dollars at that point. I ebayed it a few years ago when I thought I wouldn't be able to breast feed after the reduction but since I am leaking now, I am going to give it another try.
Oh, and I also bought the Advent one and that didn't work at all for me.
Good luck, I never even thought of having to breast feed more than one baby!
Oh, and I also bought the Advent one and that didn't work at all for me.
Good luck, I never even thought of having to breast feed more than one baby!
#1---Check and see if you qualify for WIC in your area. you'd be surprised how high the income guidelines are. you can rent a pump from them for free basically (a nice hospital grade one) to help you. AND if you have to go to formula, they can help there too!!! EDITED to add: I checked and in Washington state a family of 6 can make almost $55K a year and still qualify. the twins count NOW.
#2. I swear by the Medela pump in style (and advanced). I bought my first one used on another message board. I bought new hoses, horns etc to use. Many will caution against it but I"ve never had milk back up into one so imo that is rare.
#3. NIPPLE SHIELDS!!! this helps with latch if that is a problem. can help correct the issue (but not always).
you can also contact your local LaLeche League or the lacation consultant at your hospital for more advice.
good luck and hugs. I am also determined to make it a year this time.
#2. I swear by the Medela pump in style (and advanced). I bought my first one used on another message board. I bought new hoses, horns etc to use. Many will caution against it but I"ve never had milk back up into one so imo that is rare.
#3. NIPPLE SHIELDS!!! this helps with latch if that is a problem. can help correct the issue (but not always).
you can also contact your local LaLeche League or the lacation consultant at your hospital for more advice.
good luck and hugs. I am also determined to make it a year this time.
Mandy, Mom to Jordan (5), Kaida (3) and Luken (born 12/5/09) Army wife! HW:351 / SW: 328 / CW:149/ Goal weight...what is that?
I used a medela pump in style and loved it. I never could pump both sides at the same time though. In order to get ANY milk out I would have to massage my breast while pumping. I needed at least two extra hands to pump both breasts at once lol!
I hope BF'ing is a better experience for you this time. I'm glad to not have to worry about everything I put in my mouth (I weaned Hannah if Feb), but I do miss the closeness with her.
I hope BF'ing is a better experience for you this time. I'm glad to not have to worry about everything I put in my mouth (I weaned Hannah if Feb), but I do miss the closeness with her.
You could also try Craigslist. I bought a Medela pump in style w/all accessories, 12 extra bottles, extra nursing pads, and storage bags for $20!!! I then (sanitary reasons) bought all new tubing at Babys R Us for less than $20! So I have got a $280 pump for way less than $50!
Just something to check. Also, with my little one 2 years ago, the hospital lactation lady gave me cups to put in the bra over the nipples to bring them out. They worked AWESOME! I also recommend reading up on any/all info you can get your hands on. It DOESN'T come naturally for some people (like me!).
Just something to check. Also, with my little one 2 years ago, the hospital lactation lady gave me cups to put in the bra over the nipples to bring them out. They worked AWESOME! I also recommend reading up on any/all info you can get your hands on. It DOESN'T come naturally for some people (like me!).
never buy a used pump... a breast feeding consultant told me that... I had the medela one... and it was ok... Lore just wouldn't latch on... she hated my boobs... she would latch on to Jeremy, his brother, his brother's girl friend etc... but not mine... after 4m of pumping I gave up... I was depressed and felt like a cow...
I have friends that have twins and BF... one has 6m and the other almost 8m... and well they never sleep... and are very depressed... both sets of twins are under weight and they are now having to do formula with them... which they can't afford... they both also have an older child (one is 2 the other 3) and did fine BFing them... but they are having all kinds of issues now... Kristi gets about 3 hours of sleep a day... if she is lucky 5...
Not trying to scare ya... just being honest... I know you have older kids... but be prepared just incase you have to do BFing and formula at the same time...
I have friends that have twins and BF... one has 6m and the other almost 8m... and well they never sleep... and are very depressed... both sets of twins are under weight and they are now having to do formula with them... which they can't afford... they both also have an older child (one is 2 the other 3) and did fine BFing them... but they are having all kinds of issues now... Kristi gets about 3 hours of sleep a day... if she is lucky 5...
Not trying to scare ya... just being honest... I know you have older kids... but be prepared just incase you have to do BFing and formula at the same time...
Your insurance might cover it since you've got twins. Get your doctor and lactation consultant to recommend it right away, and they might have one in the hosptial for you. Let them know that you really want to try and need help getting a proper pump. Your doctor can probably authorize more time if needed. Good luck!
My cousin had twins in march and she pumped. Yes, it was/is exhausting but well worth it. I think it is great that you want to make it happen. I have the Pump in Style, my mom bought it brand new at the store for me (about $280), and it is good. But I really loved the hospital grade pump that I rented the first couple months after Sophie was born. It was really awesome and I was able to rent it for $40 a month---totally worth it. If you can go that route, that is my recommendation. If I have another baby ever, I will ONLY use hospital grade. I already know for sure I will be renting a hospital grade pump when/if the time comes. The one I used was called Medela Lactina. But any hospital grade would be about the same from what I understand.
I think it is a really wonderful decision that you want to give it your all to provide breastmilk for your babies. It is such a beautiful selfless gift. Go you!
I think it is a really wonderful decision that you want to give it your all to provide breastmilk for your babies. It is such a beautiful selfless gift. Go you!
I have a medela breastpump. I ended up not being able to breastfeed the twins because I never produced enough. For me, even with pumping, I would be lucky to get a 1/4 ounce out of both breasts. But as far as breastpumps go, I thought it was pretty close the hospital pump.
Also, because of the twins, my doctor wrote me a prescription for the breastpump. My insurance would have covered it, but my husbands firm changed his policy the DAY before I got the stupid pump so I ended up having to pay for it. It was about $280.
Feedings were a nightmare, so I finally gave in and started to strictly formula feed because I wasn't about to starve my children. So yeah, I spend about $50 a week on formula.
Also, because of the twins, my doctor wrote me a prescription for the breastpump. My insurance would have covered it, but my husbands firm changed his policy the DAY before I got the stupid pump so I ended up having to pay for it. It was about $280.
Feedings were a nightmare, so I finally gave in and started to strictly formula feed because I wasn't about to starve my children. So yeah, I spend about $50 a week on formula.