First OB Appt
on 6/1/09 6:27 am
And why are you taking so much Vit D?????? That's a butt load unless you are deficient.
I upped to 100k when I was trending down, but went back to 50k per day when I hit normal levels.
If your iron is low - you are going to be in deep crap during pregnancy if you aren't doing something about it. Anemia is common with non WLS pregs - and we are prone to it.
We need a road map :)
I take that much Vit D b/c I am still low...46 and I need to be around the 100-150 range...I have been taking 100K for the longest time and it is staying around the I decided to up it.

Ok...time for tough love....I have tender many should I take and how far apart and from what?? I am willing to start it...for my "bean" and just pray that I don't get backed up...since I got pregnant it has NOT been the same in that department as it is

highest / goal / current....AND PREGNANT with #1 (and only)...14 weeks along as of July 30th, 2009!!
on 6/1/09 7:18 am
As to the iron, start low, then add in if you have to. You need a few hours between iron and calcium, so I would do it at bedtime.
Good luck ;) you have any sickness yet? I am feeling puk-ey all damn day long

So I called Doc last night and he was HAPPY!!! Which made me feel so much better, I know he likes us to wait 24 months and I am only 20....but he was ok with it. I told him I wanted to come up for 2 years (in September)....and he is all for I think we should all plan to get together!!!

highest / goal / current....AND PREGNANT with #1 (and only)...14 weeks along as of July 30th, 2009!!
on 6/1/09 11:18 pm
Well, I think as long as you can maintain normal ranges it's a good thing. I'm still battling with my PTH, but I don't know that I'm going to super supplement during the pregnancy as long as I'm within the ranges (which I am).
I'm not really sick much (off and on) but really never had that problem with any of my pregs. For me, it's the damn fatigue - to the point where there are days I have to leave work and sleep for hours. It's nuts.
And of course he's happy ;) The 24 months is his ultra conservative self coming out! We totally need to get together. We'll be rolling around by then!
So I posted to Cindy this morning - you having any issues with gas? Now that I'm eating a lot of carbs and eating more I am having serious trouble. I'm not sure what to do with it either.

How far are you again?
I am not having much trouble with gas which is surprising to me....b/c before if I ODd on carbs I could clear the room but now....I guess the bean is absorbing them and loving them b/c my poop is not even that stinky anymore!! Which the hub loves, LOL.
You could always take a probitoic to help with the smell and gas issues. I know they used to help me, I would use them off and on.
You are so lucky....this morning I made Ryan pull over I thought I was going to puke....made him go get me a diet coke and a lollipop to suck on....oh vey, I haven't felt that sick to my stomach since surgery....and I hated the feeling then! LOL.
But I keep saying she (my hope) or he (Ryan's hope) will be worth it....and I figure I can toture baby when they get older with the stories of what I went thru, LOL...that's a parents right, right?!

highest / goal / current....AND PREGNANT with #1 (and only)...14 weeks along as of July 30th, 2009!!
on 6/2/09 12:31 am
I'm due not much earlier than you - January 10th.
It's so funny how the DS seems to be person specific. I'm dying. I don't know what crawled up my ass and died but it's not pretty. I have to get creative I guess. I take probiotics, flagyl, beano....had a pretty good routine to keep it in check - but now, nothing seems to work.
it's so annoying.
Sorry you aren't feeling well. I"m pretty happy that my track record is staying that way LOL. It's funny about the girl/boy thing. Derrick is hoping for a girl. I would like a boy. Weird, huh. Of course I already have one of each so it really doesn't matter. my instincts say girl but that's just in my head. Probably because we can't come up with a girl name ;)
Well hang in and keep me updated, ok?

I feel for you!!! I really do!!
I will totally keep you posted, and same goes for you!!

highest / goal / current....AND PREGNANT with #1 (and only)...14 weeks along as of July 30th, 2009!!
Vitamin D will go up in the summer too.... if you spend 15 minutes a day in the sun without sunscreen. (That is what my surgeon recommends)
But I agree.... I watch my PTH level and up my D if it goes too high.... so I was taking more than 100K at one time.
Tender Iron..... I found 8-12 a day works for me away from my calcium. I take that as 3 doses of 4 each (morning, noon and night)
I never had a problem with iron constipating, but the only iron I have taken is what was in my Vita4Life (multi) pre-pregnancy and now Tender Iron.
I find not drinking enough liquids (My body needs 100 oz a day!) or not eating enough fat (mmmm butter!) causes constipation. As does taking more than 1 dose of probiotic a day!
If I get constipated I take 400 mg of magenisum citrate (big tablet) with my calcium and drink extra water, eat extra fat and it goes away!
Good luck!
Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)
OMG -- I forgot to mention this --- I started taking a digestive enzyme when I got pregnant !!!!!!
I only take one a day with breakfast - usually. SOMETIMES if I am eating something like fish or something with a lot of omega 3's I will swallow a digestive enzyme as well to help me absorb the good fat !! It is supposed to help fat absorption and carbs too.
I figure it's worth the weight gain for the baby.
In fact.... when I ran out of them for a week I lost 3 lbs that week ! So I THINK it is doing something.
Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)