Hey all. I'm looking for some suggestions for relief for my little girl. She just turned 7 months Saturday and has 2 teeth fully showing on the bottom and 2 coming in at the top. They have almost broken through, but not completely. I'm already doing the teething tablets, Orajel (she hates this stuff and shakes for a few seconds after putting it on. I'm sure its the taste that she doesn't like), and now Motrin at the recommendation of her doctor. Is there anything else out there that will help?? I know she's hurting because she wants me to hold her all the time and sometimes she doesn't even eat or drink. Is there anything else I haven't tried? Thanks for any suggestions!!
Is she nawing at things to releave the pain? My friend soaks the end of a washcoth in water and freezes it and then gives it to her kids to 'chew' on.
Good luck. I know the alcohol thing sounds bad, but that's what my parents used on me and my siblings... I wouldn't be adverse to trying it...
Good luck... teething is hell.
Good luck. I know the alcohol thing sounds bad, but that's what my parents used on me and my siblings... I wouldn't be adverse to trying it...
Good luck... teething is hell.
No diarrhea or vomiting?? LUCKY! But seriously, I feel for ya!
I was going to say teething tabs, frozen washcloths and lots of love and patience. Teething just plain sucks! I tried the orojel stuff on myself and hated it...it made emma vomit and it only numbed me for a minute or two. Motrin helps for swelling, tylenol if she gets a fever.
Oh baby...just wait for the canines and the molars.
I was going to say teething tabs, frozen washcloths and lots of love and patience. Teething just plain sucks! I tried the orojel stuff on myself and hated it...it made emma vomit and it only numbed me for a minute or two. Motrin helps for swelling, tylenol if she gets a fever.
Oh baby...just wait for the canines and the molars.

this is what I did... take an ice cube rub the gums... then take your finger and rub the gums and they will pop through... you might have to do it a couple of times... but it works... Did it to Lore when she was cutting 6 teeth at 5m and was a horrible beast lol... but she was sooo happy once it was done...
Sassy makes a pacifier that helps with teething. It's like $7 at Babies R Us and what you do is you can put an ice cube or a piece of banana in there and the baby can suck on it or chew it to give them some relief. If nothing else, it distracts them from their misery. Hopefully this link will work http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2738035&m oduleName=Brand+Name+Secondary
The only downside is it is a little messy, but it's fun for the baby.
The only downside is it is a little messy, but it's fun for the baby.