u/s in preparation for IUI...clomid question...
As many of you know...I'm on estrogen to help thicken the uterine lining...plus taking clomid. The u/s showed the uterine lining to be at about 8mm...and one follicle measuring about 12. I go back Thursday to check the lining again, as well as the follicle size...and possibly doing the IUI Friday and Saturday, getting the trigger shot I think he said on Friday. He said right now the lining's not as thick as he'd like it...and that that could be the result of clomid.
I know Ann had previously mentioned to someone that Femera is a good alternative to Clomid...and I have read that it doesn't interfere w/the CM or the uterine lining...so I think if the IUI doesn't work this month...I'll ask him if Femera is available in Indonesia, and if so, I'll see if I can try that next month...or injectables or something different. This is my 2nd month w/the clomid...and I definitely noticed a difference last month in the CM....I couldn't realy tell a difference in it. There was more of the watery/creamy fluid...but not the EWCM.
I have noticed the last few days that I am relatively naseaus when I try to eat or drink. To me...it's almost as bad as a month or so post-WLS...I eat a few bites and want to hurl (though I don't actually do it)...which makes it hard to drink my liquids or eat anything healthy (junk goes down relatively easily...figures!). Has anyone else experienced this while taking the clomid? Is it possible it's a combo between the clomid and estrogen? I also get the same thing about the week before AF comes due to the progesterone...so I'm spending half my month feeling 'blech.' Not intolerable...I'll suck it up if it'll do the job...but not enjoyable either.
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Mom to Khaled
How's things at work? Did you have it out w/your boss? Or are you still biting your tongue? Maybe you could rub some poison oak or something around your tip jar so the next time he sticks his hand in, he gets some. Give him something to remember you by. Hope your job search shows good results, soon...for you and your DH.
January 2008,
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Mom to Khaled
January 2008,
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Mom to Khaled
It would be nice if the first IUI worked and I am just borrowing worries! Thanks for the well wishes...hopefully I'll have good news in about two weeks!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
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July 2011
Mom to Khaled
HTH and good luck my Dear!
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

LOL...I can't believe you've got a little one at home, one almost here...and you're already talking about #3 next year? You're going to go batty...with a huge smile on your face!
How are you feeling? Do you think you'll get to your 37 week mark?
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I had more follicles on injectibles/clomid vs just clomid. I miss Ann as she was so informed on the various drug and interactions.
I had a hard time on the medications because it threw me one directions with injections then threw my body a different way (thinking your pregnant) and then stop suddenly. I kind of lived on easier foods for my stomach and things that I know were easy for me to eat. So, I would say I had a little trouble eating when I was on the medication.
I wish you all the luck in the world!!!!!