Ha, that shows me how out of the loop I am! I didn't know there was a difference between liners and bags. I need to do some more research!
Glad you are doing well, keep that baby baking.
I am ok, can't wait for the 24th but know everyday that I keep him growing is a good thing. My sciatica is just about putting me over the edge but know I can do it for a few more weeks. We may go right about the same time, I am scheduled for a c-section on the 24th.
Glad you are doing well, keep that baby baking.
I am ok, can't wait for the 24th but know everyday that I keep him growing is a good thing. My sciatica is just about putting me over the edge but know I can do it for a few more weeks. We may go right about the same time, I am scheduled for a c-section on the 24th.
I didn't realize your DD has colic and reflux, I'm so sorry! Our first baby had that and now Everett does too. What have you tried that helps? Is she on meds for the reflux?
I didn't realize your DD has colic and reflux, I'm so sorry! Our first baby had that and now Everett does too. What have you tried that helps? Is she on meds for the reflux?
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Hi Jo,
Sorry I am just getting back to you but then you know how it is. Alaina is not on any meds right now which I still don't understand but that's way dr make the big bucks. SHe is on Similac Sensitive which has been working pretty good she is still spitting up alot though but is gaining weight. I feed her every 3 hrs and only 4 ozs at a time with a burp on every oz at least .Me, my husband or my parents are the only ones that feed her since they are going to watch her when I go back to work TODAY. Wish me Luck. I feed her in the upright postion and make sure she drinks it slow. That's to help with the refux. now the colic story well if she is not eating or sleeping she is usually crying she will keep herself busy for about 5- 10 min at a time she loves her little vibating chair from fisher price and I have a graco swing which seems to put her to sleep everytine! Yes it is very hard especially having such a gap between my two girls my other daughter will be 11 in July and she was the baby that NEVER cried!!!! Outside has been working too but I can never put her down in the house unless it is in something that is in the moving postion except finally when she goes down for the night which is usually 11:30 then we pray she dosent have to burp!!! GOod luck and hopefully it will start getting easier. Alaina will be 12 weeks tomorrow!
Sorry I am just getting back to you but then you know how it is. Alaina is not on any meds right now which I still don't understand but that's way dr make the big bucks. SHe is on Similac Sensitive which has been working pretty good she is still spitting up alot though but is gaining weight. I feed her every 3 hrs and only 4 ozs at a time with a burp on every oz at least .Me, my husband or my parents are the only ones that feed her since they are going to watch her when I go back to work TODAY. Wish me Luck. I feed her in the upright postion and make sure she drinks it slow. That's to help with the refux. now the colic story well if she is not eating or sleeping she is usually crying she will keep herself busy for about 5- 10 min at a time she loves her little vibating chair from fisher price and I have a graco swing which seems to put her to sleep everytine! Yes it is very hard especially having such a gap between my two girls my other daughter will be 11 in July and she was the baby that NEVER cried!!!! Outside has been working too but I can never put her down in the house unless it is in something that is in the moving postion except finally when she goes down for the night which is usually 11:30 then we pray she dosent have to burp!!! GOod luck and hopefully it will start getting easier. Alaina will be 12 weeks tomorrow!

I agree with Dawn! We tried all those and went with the Playtex Drop-ins. They are easy - EASY - to clean, and now they have extra large expandible liners for hungrier babies.
However, I am desperately wanting to breastfeed my twins so I'm actually looking at bottles online as I type. I am thinking of going with the Breastflow ones as they seem to be the closest to the real deal. Who knows! I still have my drop-ins and may resort back to those.
However, I am desperately wanting to breastfeed my twins so I'm actually looking at bottles online as I type. I am thinking of going with the Breastflow ones as they seem to be the closest to the real deal. Who knows! I still have my drop-ins and may resort back to those.
I was using the Playtex Dropins but the nipples kept collapsing while Max was drinking and he would get pissed and buying the bags was getting expensive for me. So I tried an Evenflo Classic bottle that I had and he has been using them since and with no problems. They are BPA free and clean good with a bottle brush. The only thing that I hate is that the ring and nipple have to be put on real tight or they will leak when I shake his bottle. I make his formula in the bottles. Good Luck!
Little Angel 8/14/09 ectopic