The B***H is back in town!!!
Well AF came today with a vengeance... o well, guess it wasn't meant to be this month. On another note, this is my first full month off BC, and my period hurts soooooo bad, like I've never felt this way before, ever. I've been tired, dizzy, nauseous all day, I barley left the house. I have never had painful periods, and always think people who need to take pain killers at that time of the month are weak or faking it. But I've take 6 Tylenol today... Anyone have killer periods after coming off BC? Also I OV on CD 24 this month, does anyone think my cycle is still sorting itself out?
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Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
36 days. weirdly long, but I've been on BC for about 6 years because when I got really heavy my period was never regular. It was suspected by a few Dr's that I had polycystic ovaries, but I never actually got diagnosed. O well, guess I'm going to be keeping the clearblue company in business again this month with their very pricy, but Oh so accurate OPK's.
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG! -- Check it out

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
(deactivated member)
on 5/31/09 8:49 pm - San Antonio, TX
on 5/31/09 8:49 pm - San Antonio, TX
I had wacky periods for the first few months off birth control - they were stable as far as days but very heavy and crampy. I started cramping a week before hand and sometimes they were much more severe than expected. Its sorted itself out now (I went off in Nov) but I also ovulate late and have since I went off the pill (CD20-22).
You have to remember that this is your first full month off the pill. Your hormones will need to adjust back to their normal cycle. Also, it will take two-three months for your period to go back into its normal routine (what is standard without a pill). I had really bad periods before the pill so I had a shock when I went off the pill and went back into TERRIBLE cramps and heavy periods.
I was on the pill for 10 years when I went off last year. It took three cycles for my period to stabilize. I then had the exact period every month with the same luteral phase every month after those two-three months.
Hopefully everything gets better really soon and you get your BFP!
I was on the pill for 10 years when I went off last year. It took three cycles for my period to stabilize. I then had the exact period every month with the same luteral phase every month after those two-three months.
Hopefully everything gets better really soon and you get your BFP!