Implantation bleeding? TMI
I think I posted about 10 days ago, thinking I was PR, but I was actually Ovulating, which I have not done in YEARS and didn't know what it felt like (I guess I did OV in Feb though and did not know it because I had a chemical pregnancy on the Nuva Ring). I got a positive OV stick with the little smiley faces on it, on May 18. We BD'ed the 18 and 19. I don't chart my temp but I think I actually OV'ed on the 19 or 20th. That would make me about 10 DPO. This is also the first full month off my BC. So my period was supposed to come Sunday the 24, but it didn't because I think my body is trying to sort itself out. Any way, last night I had some really light pink discharge, only once when I wiped. Then this morning I also had some light brownish discharge, again only when I wiped. I have some cramping, and just like when I was OVing, my nipples are getting sore again. The cramping does feel like AF, but the discharge does NOT look like normal pre-period bleeding. Usually, when AF is coming, I have a lot more discharge, then a few hours later AF comes. Not this time though. I have a panty liner on and nothing comes out, only sometimes when I wipe. So I am wondering is implantation bleeding actually a common occurrence, because every website I look at says something different. How many of you experienced something similar? And what day was the first day you got a BFP after Ovulation? I tested this morning but it was neg, but I heard you have to wait 2-3 days after implantation to get a BFP on a HPT. Thanks for the help, I am a little on edge!
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Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
implantation bleeding can come after it happens...days after.
what kind of test did you use today?
I'd test again tomorrow.
I'd had + as early as 9 dpo and as late as 11-13.
if it was a $ test, they take more hcg. same with a digital. get an answer brand. :)
good luck!!
what kind of test did you use today?
I'd test again tomorrow.
I'd had + as early as 9 dpo and as late as 11-13.
if it was a $ test, they take more hcg. same with a digital. get an answer brand. :)
good luck!!
Mandy, Mom to Jordan (5), Kaida (3) and Luken (born 12/5/09) Army wife! HW:351 / SW: 328 / CW:149/ Goal weight...what is that?
it was equate, but the test part never got totally clear, it was like cloudly for a longgg time..weird. I went to the dollar store today and all they had was OV tests... WTF? so I think on monday if there is still no AF I'll go buy an answer test
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG! -- Check it out

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
If this is your first month off of the BC your cycle will more then likely not be "normal" it can take up to 6 months to normalize. Mine settled in about 3 months later. I had my positive test at 13DPO on a digital and equate brand.
If you are only 10DPO chances are your period is still about 6 days off. The "typical" luteal phase is 16 days. That being said of course not everyone is the same.
Here's hoping that you get your BFP!!
If you are only 10DPO chances are your period is still about 6 days off. The "typical" luteal phase is 16 days. That being said of course not everyone is the same.
Here's hoping that you get your BFP!!
OK, that's EXACTLY what happened to me. We weren't trying to get PG though...I thought I had started my period, had some brownish/pinkish discharge/spotting and thought it was odd that it only lasted a day. Then, I freaked out because it was about 10 post sexy-time and thought "oh ****! Is this implantation bleeding?!" I took a test and it was negatory. Then I took a test a week later and sure enough, BFP! I used the Dollar Store one and found out at 4 weeks pregnant. It was faint but not faint enough. I was crying to my hubby "Tell me you DON'T see TWO pink lines and it's just my eyes!!!" He just laughed nervously. LOL...yeah, now we are having TWINS. HA!!
Good luck! Hope this is it for you!!
Good luck! Hope this is it for you!!
With my DD Bailey I got my BFP 4 days before AF was due, 10 days DPO, with this pregnancy I got my BFP 1 day before AF was due, 13 DPO - I had gotten a BFN 10 & 11 DPO. I like the EPT brand digital and the First Response regular tests!
HTH!!! Good luck and keep us posted!
HTH!!! Good luck and keep us posted!
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

I had my IUD removed on April 18th and started my period 2 days later. I ovulated on May 5th and on 10 DPO I thought I was starting my period. I thought that it was coming a couple days early due to my IUD being removed and my system being off. But it was just some light pink/brown discharge that morning and then stopped and then a little the next morning, and then nothing. On 10 DPO I tested negative, so I waited until 12dpo and got a BFP. I am pretty sure that what I had was implantation bleeding, but not sure because I never had it with my other kids. So I would wait and test again in a day or 2. Good Luck!!!
Start-238 Current-149 Goal-129