FRIDAY TTC POST (who is having lots of bding?)

Shari M.
on 5/29/09 3:57 am - Wildomar, CA
Hi girls!! A big huge congratulations to Emilie on her successful IUI!!! Have a happy and healthy nine months! How is everyone else doing this week?? Someone in a post this week asked about evap lines on pregnancy tests. Boy, I miss Ann, she had great knowledge. I found this website though that is kinda interesting, thought I would share.

Okay, one last week....we need another this week! Good luck everyone! Shari

OH TTC list

ak_lisa ~ TTC 7yrs, on BC (for next 9mths), PCOS
Amy K ~ TTC #2
Angie ~ TTC #1 5/08. PCOS and on metformin.
Anita C ~ TTC #1 since 04/08
April ~ TTC#2 since 1/09
Carroll~ TTC since m/c 1/08, IVF 1/09
DaNell ~ TTC #2 since 9/08.
Darcy ~ TTC #2 since 10/08 (on hold for plastics) TTC again 5/09
Debbi ~ TTC #1 since 4/09
DunnyBoctor ~ TTC since 11/08
Holly ~ TTC #2 since 09/07; three 'unexplained' mc's
Julia ~ TTC # Since
Karen ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 after loss
Kathy W ~ TTC #1 in 5/09
Lisa ~ TTC #2 since 3/09
Malena ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Mamasanny29 ~ TTC #3
Mickey ~ TTC #1 since 7/05 with unexplained fertility-on a break from 9/0-6/09.
Monet ~ TTC #2/off BC in April, hoping to conceive this summer
Pam P ~ TTC #1 since 3/09
Pamela ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Sandy~ TTC #3 (#1 for hubby) since 1/06 after mc with PCOS.
Sara ~ Trying since 7/06, PCOS/IR on Met (TTC on HOLD until 2/10 WLS 2/26/09)
Shannon1 ~ TTC #1 since 4/07-starting clomid/iui on 1/09
Sherry-Lynn ~ TTC for 15 years, on clomid and metformin
Tami ~ TTC #2

Some common terms:

TTC - trying to conceive
BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD - the day of your menstrual cycle
O - ovulation
DPO - days past ovulation
LP - luteal phase (time from ovulation to period)
AF - aunt flow ( your period)
PG - pregnant/pregnancy
MC - misscarriage
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
CL - coverline ( for those taking their temps to confirm ovulation)
Met - metformin or glucophage ( a diabetes medication sometimes taken to help hormone levels and ovulation)
BD - baby dancing ( having timed intercourse)
DTD - doing the deed
IUI - inter uterine insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilization
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
POAS - pee on a stick (taking a pregnancy test)
2WW - two week wait...time from ovulation until you can test for pg
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

on 5/29/09 4:13 am - Fort Worth, TX
Good luck to everyone TTC! 

I hope you get your BFP!

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/09 4:21 am - San Antonio, TX
Hello and Congratulations to Emilie!

I am 4dpo. We managed to BD once the day before ovulation but that was it. I have been down in the dumps and irritated at my husband. He can be very frustrating sometimes - he's always wonderful to me and regarding me, but he gripes about everything else constantly. The intensity comes and goes but right now he's very gripey. I just want to say "heard it" and walk away. Its a boy who cried wolf syndrome... why would I think your current job is any more torturous than any other job you've *****ed about incessently?

So needless to say, stress is high. I am leaving town for five days next Tuesday, a conference. At first I was sort of dreading it, being mildly co-dependant and quite shy. Now I am looking forward to getting away. Sometimes you just need a break from your spouse. Also, I'll either start AF or maybe get a positive test while I am away. I am taking supplies for both hehe.

I love my husband dearly, but lately I just want to avoid him and I'm trying not to do to much of it because he'll get his feelings hurt. I feel like picking a fight though, I don't know. I'm frustrated.
Kathy W.
on 5/29/09 4:51 am - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with

UGH! I never get to see the hubby so we will never get preggers. The good news is that according to an "ovulation predictor" I found online I should be fertile when we are on vacay next month. WOO HOO We DTD all the time on vacay!

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

Deb *.
on 5/29/09 5:22 am

I'm CD8 now, and will start BD hopefully in a few days when my cervical fluid starts changing.  I read Taking Charge of your Fertility and am using her tracking method to chart my cycles.  Of course I'm such a geek I created my own chart in Excel with a graph for the temps. 

Crossing my fingers that something happens in the next couple of months.  I'm going to the OB on Monday and she's going to check my FSH levels to make sure there isn't anything to be concerned with before we spend a lot of time trying.


Shari M.
on 5/29/09 6:05 am - Wildomar, CA
Oh created your own chart?? Most of us here use to track our cycles much easier. And there is tons of great information and message boards for ttc and pregnancy. I will give you the link to my charts so you can see what they look like...then you can check out the site. Good luck. Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/09 9:05 am - San Antonio, TX
I second the fertilityfriend recommendation. It has lots of great information also!
on 5/29/09 5:49 am - Charlotte, NC
I know vitamins are very important but do you think they play a major roll in TTC? I dont take mine as regularly as I should.  This is my 2nd month on Femara but this month the dose is cut in half. Last month I had 6 eggs and no luck. I am just curious what you think.
Shari M.
on 5/29/09 6:26 am - Wildomar, CA
I do know people that swear by having their bodies in optimal condition while ttc, that it helps to take vitamins. Some supplements are actually proven to help ttc, like the ingredients in fertility blend. Personally I think it is just important to take your vitamins and be prepared in case you do conceive. With pg, but especially with wls, the baby takes what it needs and you might suffer. I know that last pg I ended up being low on Iron, b-12 and d during the pg. If you can start building up a little bit of a stash of those vitamins it will be better for you and babe...and you will feel better. Also, having the prenatals with the added folic acid is important before you get pregnant as it can help prevent birth defects in the baby. I say, it is an easy fix...just take em. Good luck and keep us posted. Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

amy K.
on 5/29/09 7:18 am - Riverside, CA
 Well I am still here. I am 5 DPO and we did manage to BD the night before O. I am hoping this is my month ( Just like every other month). I am feeling sick today. I have a really bad headache and a semi soar throat. My temps were way up today, I am thinking because I am sorta sick. I just also wanted all the TTC ladies to know I went to Big Lots and got OPK's for $5.50 a pack. Pack of 7 so pretty good deal. Hope everyone has good luck this month.
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