how many oz does your baby drink?
Aiden is 3 months and lately he is so darn hungry.I mean chunky monkey!
He is sleeping through the night,9 pm-6 am...( hallelujah) but all the sudden has gone from 4-5 oz to drinking 6-8 oz.. wow.. so my question is..
At what stage did your baby drink this much and how often? He is 26 inches long and 14.3 lbs.
He is on Enfamil gentlease formula.
He also is on meds for acid reflux but isn't barfing too often..still spits up all the a leaky faucet lol.....but not a ton of volume,...and not projectile anymore but maybe once every other week or so..
right now a typical day is
a bottle at about 6 am... 5-6 oz...
one at 9ish am 6 oz
12:00 ish another 6 oz
3:00 6 oz
6:00 6 oz
9:00 8 oz...
sometimes more..but this is the typical...