carrying low?
Is anyone else carring low? I am 22 weeks (23 on sunday) and sometimes when I stand up there is alot of pressure on my cervix... etc. Not pain and no contractions... just like there's a baby standing on it. My 'bump' seems lower than normal, but I am long waisted... so maybe it's just me.
Also, sometimes I feel like my hips are going to come unhinged? Any ideas there?
Also, sometimes I feel like my hips are going to come unhinged? Any ideas there?
I am 23 weeks and have been feeling like everything was going to fall out since the start! LOL My OB said it is normal, and only to worry if I felt pain with the pressure, or was having contractions. My hip pain is pretty bad too, but mostly in the morning or if I have been sitting for a while, again OB said it was normal, as our bodies are now creating hormones that will loosen our joints in preperation for the little one to make an exit.
Also, if this is not your first pregnancy, then all of these symptoms can be worse the second (or more) time around because everything is already streched out.
Also, if this is not your first pregnancy, then all of these symptoms can be worse the second (or more) time around because everything is already streched out.
LOL worry wart? I am a paranoid mess most of the time, so I completly understand. As long as their is no pain, then its good. I was joking with my DH tonight that pregnancy should come with its own set of pains and feelings, that are completely diffrent they any other pain or feeling that you get. And pain should = BAD, we should not have to guess which pains and feelings are normal and which ones should make us worry, it should be CLEAR cut and we should get a handbook outlining it all! LOL
I would kill for a true guidebook for this. Everytime something weird happens I freak out. A couple of weeks ago, I started leaking colostrum. I was like WTF is coming out of my boobs! Then when I figured it out I started worrying if it was doing it too soon and if that meant I would have alot of milk... or if I would stop producing before he came. LOL. The joys of being possessed by someone else for 9 months.

Do you know how he is sitting? My son was stretched out with his head up against my diaphram (so I couldn't breath) and he was standing on my bladder (do I constantly had to pee****il I was 38weeks 2 days. So I felt alot of pressure "down there" when he would kick and stretch because he was kicking my cervix and bladder all the time. When they flipped him I finally could breath, but then I had the rectal pressure. So I dont know if that helps. I wish you all the best.
No, but he moves around alot. Sometimes I have pressure simultaneously over both hips, like he's stretching out across my pelvis... then other times, boom... his full weight is on my cervix.
I went to the Dr today and he said as long is there is no bloody show or contractions that don't stop not to worry about it.
I went to the Dr today and he said as long is there is no bloody show or contractions that don't stop not to worry about it.