Calling all mom survivors of babies with colic/reflux/puking/gas

on 5/26/09 5:25 am
HELP! I love my blessing, but I need help! Everett, my sweet baby, is inconsolable and mommy is miserable and an absolute zombie. Feels like when my 1st baby had colic. He sleeps MAYBE 20 minutes at a time, and only on me. He cries before, during and after feedings. He cries despite all needs being met. He's on Similac Sensitive and the ped gave him a script for the reflux today. We use Dr Brown's bottles, which are better than the Playtex we were using. Mylicon doesn't help. Sleeping in the car seat doesn't help, as he doesn't sleep. He hates car and stroller rides and walking/pacing/singing/rocking fail to soothe. Pacifiers soothe for s few seconds but then he spits it out and is frantic again. He vomits every other bottle or so, but has gained weight despite it. We swaddle, and unswaddle. Bouncy seat is a bust.

He farts up a storm and appears to be in pain and gassey all the time.

Gripe water? Anyone else survive this and how? DH is back to work so it's just me 17 hours/day. Between the non-stop crying and the lack of sleep, I'm a mess. Let alone the PPD (still waiting for meds to kick in) and the anemia. I just need to figure out how to get through the months until this passes.

Thanks for keeping me sane!


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
on 5/26/09 5:41 am - Bellevue, NE
Zantac was a BLESSING for us!  When my little girl was 4 weeks or so, she would cry after EVERY feeding (didn't matter whether it was formula or not).  I mentioned it to the dr., and they gave her zantac to try.  She also was horribly gassy.  It worked.  And if you are sceptical, after they have been on it for a week or so, try missing a dose.  You will know it!!! 

I found the only drawback to it, is every 1 lb or 1 1/2 pounds, the doseage had to be increased because of her weight gain!  

We had her on it until 6 months or so, then tried to take her off.  Didn't work.  Tried a month later when she was eating more, and it worked!  So it isn't forever!  

Good luck!  It will get better.

on 5/26/09 11:09 pm
Thanks for giving me hope, Debbie!  Glad the Zantac worked for your DD and that she finally outgrew it.  Did you give it to her straight from the syringe, or dilute in water or add to the bottle?  I'll be getting the coupons out to you this week.


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
on 5/26/09 5:43 am, edited 5/26/09 5:46 am - TX
Ohhh Jo :(  Honey you're so not alone.  I know you know this, but just wanted to tell you again, we are all here for YOU!

Well, I have no help with colic.  My kids (thank the lord) never had it.

I am however a reflux mom X2!  Savannah and Skyler had it!  Both my girls were what our ped called "happy spitters"  they both had really bad GERD but, it didn't hinder them in any way.  What I mean by that is, it didn't stop them from sleeping, eating, etc.  They just flat out puked no matter what.  We did every med on the market with both girls.  Nothing worked.  We did every formula known to man.  Both girls ended up on Nestle Good Start Supreme DHA & ARA w/ comfort proteins.  This seemed to be the best fit all the way around.  We tried every bottle.  Both girls ended up on Avent.  We did rice cereal, that didnt work.  We tried burping every oz. that didn't work.  We did upright after feedings for 30-45 min. that didn't work. 

In our situation it just came down to that our girls were just going to puke.  They did both out grow this once they started sitting up.  It was like the puke valve was shut off for good!  They both gag very, very easily.  Savannah almost pukes everytime she goes to the dentist and she's 6 years old.  She just has a low gag reflex.  It's pretty common with reflux kiddos.

I will say that before my girls were on Nestle Good Start they had a ton of gas!  Once they were switched to the Good Start the gas was a distant memory.  I really love that formula and think it's been the best for my kids. 

I can only tell you what worked for my girls.  I know you'll find what works for you and Everett!.  I hope all gets better soon!

Ash :)

RNY 8-6-2007 stats 5'3"  HW-240  SW-232  LW-127 GW-120  CW-135   
Plastics round #1 on 3-23-2011 BL/BA 575cc & 550cc Silicone under the muscle     
Married 9 yrs with 3 kids- Savannah 8, Skyler 2 & Bryder 1

LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat

on 5/26/09 11:12 pm

Ahh, the happy spitters!  My ped used that term yesterday and it struck me as really funny (maybe that's just the fatigue?).  My DD loved Good Start and thrived on it.  Everett did horrible on the regular GS and the soy version.  Go figure!  You're right about the gag reflex.  DS #1 had horrible colic/reflux and he struggles with gagging too.  Dental cleanings take a lot of patience and we practice breathing techniques for the few days prior.  Hopefully it gets better as he gets older.

Thanks for the kind words and it really DOES help to know I'm not alone!


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
on 5/27/09 1:16 am - Atlanntic Beach, FL
My 3rd son had colic and what work fo r us. Was changing his formula and myclon. I even did warm compesses on his belly. another trick was swaddling him very tightly. I just want to tell u as a mother of 5 boys and  another son on the way. it does get better I wish u all the best.
on 5/26/09 7:29 am - spencer, MA
Has Everett been checked for pyloric stenosis? Thats what Max ended up having and after minor surgery all of that just disappeared. Just mentioned it to your pedi, a simple ultrasound will tell you. sis.html

I have seen these pads for colic babies, not sure if they work but it may be worth the try: n_US

Do you have anyone to help during the day, to give you a little break to nap? Take the help if it is offered, believe me it helps..... Wish I was closer, I would come give you a break.

PPD does suck, I know personally with BPD, but it will get better.   

 Hugs to you!!!!!!!!!

Lilypie - (yMzl) 
Lilypie - (G8Gh) Little Angel  8/14/09  ectopic

on 5/27/09 12:31 am
I was trying to remember the name of the condition Max had. He doesn't have any more issues since the surgery?

Everett goes for hip ultrasounds in June, so I will definitely see if we can check for PS too.

Thanks for the info links, very helpful! I sent you a PM.


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
Tracy G.
on 5/26/09 7:40 am - Cartersville, GA
Matthew has reflux..... he was not happy spitter for the first 8 weeks.  He wouldn't sleep anywhere but on us..I was told to do whatever you need to to survive the first 12 weeks...LOL.  The only time Matthew was happy is when he was being held.  I ended up having to co-sleep with him and wear him pretty much all day long.  He's still in our bed. :(    Everyone I talk to judges me and says that I'm going to ruin my marriage because of our co-sleeping.  But I always tell them until you've been through it I don't want to hear it!!!  That you have no idea what having a reflux baby is like.  I can tell you that the Zantac made his reflux worse.  He would cry when he was given the medicine..which would cause him to vomit..which would then cause his esophagus to become more irritated and it was a vicious cycle.  We are now on Prevacid that was prescribed by his GI specialist.  He had an upper gi done to make sure his anatomy was was.  He is on Similac Alimentium (liquid gold...cost about as much) formula with 1 tsp of rice cereal per ounce. Between the Alimentium, rice cereal and prevacid he has finally turned into a happy spitter.  Our Gi dr said that no matter what he will always be a spitter until he grows out of it.  He said its VERY important to get it under control because peak acid production hits at 4 months.  Mylicon did not work for us either....Matthew pooted like a grown person from the time he came home from the hospital.  He always seemed like he had a tummy ache.  My pedi prescribed a gas drop called Levsin for Matthew which has worked wonders.  I would try the prescription for his reflux you should be able to notice a difference in a week or 2.  With Matthew after 1 week on Zantac his reflux seemed to be worse.  If you aren't noticing a big difference call your pedi and let them know. 

If you just need someone to talk to pm me.  If you want I'll give you my number so we can talk.  Just know that it will get better the older your LO gets.  Matthew just now starting sleeping through the night about 2 weeks ago. 

I hope you can get some rest soon!

Lilypie - (r5np)       
on 5/26/09 7:42 am - riverside, CA
ohhh Jooooooo,
sigh.OK Aiden was so like finally went to the Dr and got meds.. Zantac or tagament..something ....go today was a huge help! I switched to the GS gentle proteins that worked.. did Playtex nurser and Avent bottles.. I don't think it matters..sounds like it is acid reflux..poor guy.. Aiden still pukes... he is so "leaky" but the major vomiting stopped and he is sooo happy now..smiles all the time.
I feel for you.. please see the Dr and get him meds.. you will be so glad you did.

And the swaddle blanket at night with the velcro was so key for him sleeping..I have 2 if you want me to send them to you.. Aiden outgrew them and we bought a bigger size for him and guess what..when he is swaddled in that velcro contraption.... he sleeps way better!
 Last night he slept..get this till 7 am this morning..9pm -7 am~~~~~ yahoo....
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