Niko's got a tooth!!!
After cutting his molars for months and them not coming in, Niko woke up this morning with his right bottom front tooth. It's barely poking through. I was getting worried they were gonna come in all out of order and he was gonna look like a little vampire baby. He' been really good with the whole teething thing....a little slobber, a little fussiness, and there were a couple of nights where he was waking up and crying out. YAY TEETH!!! He's really sooooo close to crawling too, but army crawling is too fast. He also started pulling himself up on stuff today. I'm expecting him to crawl and then walk shortly after. He's such a joy. I'm a lucky mama!
Just updating you,
Just updating you,
Welcome to teething hell! The first ones are a piece of cake compared to the rest! Emma is 15 months old and just cut 8, 9 and now working on 10. The past 5 weeks have been hell. Vomiting, diarrhea, screaming half the night. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! Poor baby. Her canines are now brewing too. I just hope she gets all her new teeth before new baby comes, I can't even imagine a teething toddler and a newborn! Hylands teething tablets really help. Good luck! Shari