I am completely freaking out - HELP!
I just had to strain for a BM (a bit dehydrated I guess) and when I finished I noticed I spotted. Not a ton and it was pink and creamy looking. I don't have any cramping persay, just what feels like recovery from straining a bit. I don't see my OB till the 9th and I dunno if I should call before then. Is this normal or am I starting down a path that could lead to problems? I went back in the bathroom a few minutes later and had only a slight tinge of orange so I think it's stopping. Please help me stop panicing!!!
Oh yeah, I dreaded having a BM the first 6 weeks of this pregnancy and for the first 12 of my last. Each one ended with the SAME exact spotting you explained. It's more from the cervix itself than the uterus. I'm almost sure! You can call (I did before) if you feel the need...they told me not to worry if it was after a strenuous BM. These have finally stopped for me during this pregnancy....now go eat some more fiber so it doesn't happen again! LOL!