Well just great, is this is for me then?
Ok, so let me give you all the low down........ On Sunday last week I had to start taking Pennicilin because I had an absessed tooth that I was going to be getting pulled on Thursday. WELL, I freakin told the dental assistant last time I took that I got a yeast infection. So she called me in a prescription for a Yeast Infection cream or pill or something. Not sure what it is because I didn't plan on picking up unless I needed it. Yesterday I felt like I was getting one. And this morning I am pretty sure I have one. A good friend of mine told me that this happened to her and that she had to hurry and get rid of before she O'ed because the yeast infection will just kill off all the sperm. So now I am devestated. Last cycle I O'ed on CD15 and there is a good possibility I O early this month too. I am on CD11. I will go get prescription when pharmacy opens. Is this cycle going to be a total freaking waste because of this damn yeast infection????? =o**(
Now I am not sure. I went and picked up prescription, its pills I take 2 today and then 1 for 9 more days. Anyway when I was out and about my undies felt soaked. So I get home and alot of CM. Then I checked up in there and it wasnt the normal toilet paper left over in there look. So maybe I dont have one and it was just tp on my upper vag area that was irritating it? Will continue to take pills just incase but will monitor very closely to see what goes on down there