Anyone have triplets?

on 5/20/09 2:29 am - Bayonne, NJ
So I am looking for some input here....

Anyone here a mom of triplets?  If so I have some questions for you.....

What type of stroller did you use?    We put a double and a single travel system on our registry.  Reason being....Neither one of us will probably be taking the 3 of them out by ourselves.  And I wanted something that the three car seats plugged right into.  The tandem triplet stroller looked so cumbersome and the triplet side by side looked impossible to get thru door ways.  However, since by the time we will be able to actually take them outside it will be NJ winter it will too cold for them to go out unless necessary. 

When you brought the babies home did you put them right into their cribs or did you keep them in a bassinet for a while?   We are putting them right into cribs.

Anything that you can recommend that we would need that say a mom of a singleton or twins wouldn't need?  Besides sanity!!! LOL

Any tips, advice or words of wisdom?

Purple ribbonFor Kelly....and many others out there!!!!!
on 5/20/09 2:58 am - Kokomo, IN
I don't have triplets, I have twins.  There is a wonderful website that I found helpful, it has moms of multiples, twins and more.  It is called 'How Do You Do It' There are a couple moms on there that have triplets and some have quads! 

With the twins, we have 1 double jogging stroller and 2 single umbrella strollers.  We kept them in a bassinet beside the bed for the first 2 months, then they moved to their cribs.  It might be easier if they are in the same room.  Our room was not that close, so that's why they stayed in our room.

We also had 2 bouncy seats, 2 swings, enough things to keep them entertained and take turns on each thing.  When are you due?  It will be exciting when they are here!

Lilypie - (emKy)

on 5/20/09 3:00 am - weston, FL
i have no idea LOL the only thing i could think of was something like a bottle holder so you can feed them all at the same time...
on 5/20/09 3:12 am - NJ
I am probably the WORST person to ask, since I had about 14 strollers LOL When I went out with someone else I always had a double and a single in the car so that we could each take someone. BUT I went out A LOT by myself, I was a pretty adventrous mom of triplets, and I could not stand being stuck in the house, because of this I had to have a triplet stroller.

When they where in the carseats I had a special order triple snap-n-go that I used, when they got older I had a side by side triple jogger that I LOVED, it was big enough for all three, but small enough to get though doorways and tighter spaces, and also had a stadium seated back to front (I think peg pergo) which I hated, it was heavy, hard to manage and impossible to manuver in small places. When they got much older I found these neat little things that strapped those cheap umbrella strollers together, so I could strap two of them together or all three if needed, or have all three sepearte (like if my mom came with DH and I somewhere).

I did have them in bassinets in my room for a while, but mainly for very selfish reasons LOL I kept a cooler with premade formula or pumped breast milk in my room with a small bottle warmer, so I could roll over without having to get out of bed and just stick them into the warmer to get them ready, then I could feed each baby one at a time, while sitting comfortabley in my bed. Then return them right to the bassinet after a diaper change, and right back down to sleep for me. Most likely they will be premie's, and premies have to be fed around the clock, no matter what, even if they are not awake or crying for food, you have to wake them and feed them, so it just woke me up to much to have to go do all of this in their room vs. bedside.

One thing I will suggest that kept us sane and on track was color coding. I color coded bottles and pacifiers, each child had their color and it corresponded to a dry erase board that was hung in their room. This way I could keep track of who drank what and when, and when they last had a diaper change, this made life easier if I had people over to "help", because they knew to write it on the board so I would not lose track and end up re-feeding of re-changeing someone.

Another thing I found useless was to have three highchairs, I got the table side three level tilting bosters (they go right on your kitchen chairs) and we have been using them since the babies where tiny and still use them today and my kids are seven. Three highchairs in ANY house is overwhelming LOL I would not bother getting three swings, because chances are one is not going to like it and they take up alot of room, but I could not have lived with out my three bouncy seats.

Make sure you have like one million burp clothes and recieving blankets, between diaper leaks and spit up, you will need them LOL Another little trick I had, I would put one crib or bassinet sheet on the mattress, then cover it with a mattress cover or pad, then place another sheet on top of that, this way if you have a middle of the night diaper leak or mess you can just pull the sheet and the mattress pad off and have a clean sheet under it, no struggling with crib sheets in the middle of the night!

Also, you are having a set of identicals right? As their mother you will probably be able to tell them apart, but others might not, for this reason I would say go to a local costume shop or Party Fair and get like blue and green nail polish, paint one nail (not thumb) on each boy so that people know who they are feeding for changing, this way it is easier to keep track for your sanity.

The last thing I can say is to just relax, it is going to be what it is, and no amount of panic is going to change it. Learn to laugh at stupid new mom mistakes, and don't take yourself to seriously. There are going to be times where you are going to want to run and hide LOL but most of the time it will be the most amazing experience of your life, so enjoy it (especially before they can walk and talk LOL).

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line!

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 5/20/09 5:01 am - Winder, GA

Okay lets see I had a peg perego stroller, which by the way is MUCH better now than 10 years ago,  wish I had the one that the carseats snap on to as well!  We also had a double side by side and a sinlge, I went every where alone so I used the triplet one alot! If hubby was with me we often used the two!

when we brought them home they were in the pack'n'play bassinets BUT the reason was we did not want to buy cribs yet as we were moving from TX to GA so we decided to wait until after we moved.

Something I did that I loved was that I kept a crock pot of ho****er ALL the the time to heat bottles it makes things so  much easier because you never had to wait for the water to heat up!

I had 3 bouncy seats, two swings, one baby bath tub, a changing table was a must for me! I had clipboards for each baby in the beginning to keep up with meds, bottles and oz., diapers (wet and BM) because you will have to remember who pooped!! Which by the end of the day you know someone did but which one! In the beginning you also need to keep up with how many wet diapers too! 

NAP when they NAP! the house can wait! Take things one hour at a time.  Except help when offered I didn't but wish I had!

That is all I can think of right now! But I am sure there is way more!!
Never hesitate to ask as things come back to me randomly!!


Lilypie First Birthday tickers
on 5/20/09 6:13 am - NJ
I second the crock pot idea! We always kept the big one in the kitchen going so we always had warm water for heating bottles (and later food in sealed bowls and even jars!), I only unplugged it before bed and then had DH plug it back in while he was getting ready for work in the morning so by the time I needed it it was hot! 

OH another thing I just thought of, I bought this really awsome self mixing pitcher from Pampered Chef, it was a bit pricey but it was AWSOME for mixing big batches of formula!

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

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