Formula issues - please help!
Everett was started on RTD Similac in the hospital. Pooped with every feeding so we went to Good Start. Again, poo with every feeding and a raw tush from the bm's (diarrhea). Tried Good Start Soy and he was so constipated that he couldn't even pass gas. Now he's on Similac Sensitive and it's HORRIBLE! Poor little guy acts colickly. Frantic to eat, then cries in pain before, during and after the feedings. LOTS of gas and it seems so painful for him. At times, he is inconsolable which is not at all the way he was just a few days ago. Lots of spit up and some projectile stuff.
He also has a cold (tail end) which doesn't help, but the gas pains are the worst and most prevalent symptom along with the inability to be consoled through it.
I'm calling the ped tomorrow, but any suggestions in the meantime? Mylicon didn't help. I've read good things about "Gentle ease" formula and Nutramigen. But I hate to keep switching him if the symptoms don't improve. I have a sample of Isomil too, but I'm not sure soy is the way to go again?
DS #1 was on Alimentum for colic and it still didn't make much difference.
UGH! I haven't slept more than 20 mins at a time, maybe 4 hrs total each day. Worse than that, I'm so worried about all the pain, has and irritability Everett appears to have.
I'm manually pumping (long story) to try and build a natural milk supply, but until I can sustain him, I need help!
Thank you very much in advance!
He also has a cold (tail end) which doesn't help, but the gas pains are the worst and most prevalent symptom along with the inability to be consoled through it.
I'm calling the ped tomorrow, but any suggestions in the meantime? Mylicon didn't help. I've read good things about "Gentle ease" formula and Nutramigen. But I hate to keep switching him if the symptoms don't improve. I have a sample of Isomil too, but I'm not sure soy is the way to go again?
DS #1 was on Alimentum for colic and it still didn't make much difference.
UGH! I haven't slept more than 20 mins at a time, maybe 4 hrs total each day. Worse than that, I'm so worried about all the pain, has and irritability Everett appears to have.
I'm manually pumping (long story) to try and build a natural milk supply, but until I can sustain him, I need help!
Thank you very much in advance!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Sorry to be no help as far as the formula goes. Just want to suggest incase you aren't already, using Dr. Brown's bottles. They may help some but especially once the formula issues are resolved. Of course gas wasn't my youngest's poblem. I started using the bottles when I had tried every other nipple & bottle & she'd projectile vomit after every feeding. She only had what I call 'normal baby spit up' after using them. I was sceptical at first cuz she seemed to drink it down faster than i thought she should but everything was ok. I just burped her often.
Oh Jo...I am sooooooooooo sorry....little Nathan had reflux and had to go on Zantac....but we thought something was up only after lots of vomitting (and he still does when he burps now...not as much vomit but still some...and tonight it included green beans...yuck!) and arching his back...that along with mylecon helped us.....
Recently my ped suggested Similac Sensitive (there are orange and one bright orange) seemed to help somewhat but now that he is doing solids Advanced Early Shield is doing fine again....but you may want to try that one....
I am so sorry and am sure you are EXHAUSTED....I hope the pedi can give you some good advice in the am.....hugs, prayers and strength to you!
Recently my ped suggested Similac Sensitive (there are orange and one bright orange) seemed to help somewhat but now that he is doing solids Advanced Early Shield is doing fine again....but you may want to try that one....
I am so sorry and am sure you are EXHAUSTED....I hope the pedi can give you some good advice in the am.....hugs, prayers and strength to you!
i gas is the problem.. i was also going to suggest the dr browns bottle.. have you tried gripe water?.. what about enfamil?... ohh poor little guy :(.... also... some people say you shouldnt give babies water... everyonce in a while jayson would get gas that would explode and elepahan****er helped him fart/burp
My daughter had similar probs for almost 3 and half months...and I had NOOO sleep. I finally took her to the gastro and we found out she has an allergy to soy protein and milk protein. Alimentum was NOOOO GOOD!! blah, but with the Nutramigen she has been better....started sleeping for like 4 hours at a time about 3 days after we put her on it. I stopped BF because I couldnt take the milk and dairy out of my diet. She is now 6 months old today and sleeps 9 hours at night!! Just something to check out. I was shocked because none of us has any allergies and my other kids never had an issue like this. But she is happy and healthy now. I hope that helps. Hang in there!!
Hi Jo
Sorry to hear your little guy is having problems right now... Zander also had formula issues in the beginning with using Similac Advanced... He did the same things you are describing that Everett is doing... My ped suggested Similac Isomil Advanced which is a soy based formula and even gave me a sample to try over a weekend... It worked great for him & he's been on it ever since....
Mylicon never helped us either... I would definitely call the ped and see what they suggest for him... I also used Gripe Water for a while in his nightly bottles especially as he was colicky at first... I know how you're feeling with lack of sleep hon... I went thru that for the 1st three months until the colic let up and he was able to get some quality sleep time in... Hence so was I finally... Thank GOD for my b/f helping me the whole time or I'd have went crazy with lack of sleep & just plain exhaustion...
We also used Playtex drop in bottles at first as recommended by the ped... Now he uses just "plain old bottles" and doesn't have a problem with gas at all... So it could be a bottle issue as well in the case of Everett but I am betting its formula issues especially with him vomiting... Hang in there though and I hope you're able to get some good rest in soon... It will get better as soon as the doc figures out exactly what your little guy needs... (((HUGS)))
Sorry to hear your little guy is having problems right now... Zander also had formula issues in the beginning with using Similac Advanced... He did the same things you are describing that Everett is doing... My ped suggested Similac Isomil Advanced which is a soy based formula and even gave me a sample to try over a weekend... It worked great for him & he's been on it ever since....
Mylicon never helped us either... I would definitely call the ped and see what they suggest for him... I also used Gripe Water for a while in his nightly bottles especially as he was colicky at first... I know how you're feeling with lack of sleep hon... I went thru that for the 1st three months until the colic let up and he was able to get some quality sleep time in... Hence so was I finally... Thank GOD for my b/f helping me the whole time or I'd have went crazy with lack of sleep & just plain exhaustion...
We also used Playtex drop in bottles at first as recommended by the ped... Now he uses just "plain old bottles" and doesn't have a problem with gas at all... So it could be a bottle issue as well in the case of Everett but I am betting its formula issues especially with him vomiting... Hang in there though and I hope you're able to get some good rest in soon... It will get better as soon as the doc figures out exactly what your little guy needs... (((HUGS)))
RNY - 12/17/2004
150# kept off over 5 years now - Thank you Dr Kim!!!
Check with your pedi, but it is not abnormal for a small baby to have a BM with every feeding, especially if he is having any breast milk. They have a reflex that basically stimulates them to poop when they eat (to make more room). Was he fussing/crying with the Similac? If he tolerated it okay, without crying or a raw butt, I would consider switching back. Definitely talk with your pediatrician, though.