Nathan is 6 months old! (Heavy Pics)
Hello Friends,
So, here are the stats:
Weight: 18 pounds, 12 ounces (he gained one pound and two ounces in the last month): 75th percentile
Height: 27 1/2 inches: 85th percentile
Overall Health:
- He still is somewhat wheezy so I still give him pulmocort at night. This last week he has managed to get a cold again and it has upped the wheezing a bit. So I am back to doing pulmocort twice a day. When we saw the pedi on Wed he said it seems like he gets wheezy when he gets colds and hope he will grow out of it versus being diagnosed with asthma. UGH!
- His 6 month check up went well. He did get 3 vaccines and one oral vaccine. He cried for a few minutes then was all smiles. They also did a little eye exam where they connected electroids to his head in three places and put a little patch over one eye and tested his movements of six little cartoon characters and sounds. They tested both eyes. The test was for checking lazy eye and for crossed eyes. He did great and now has a little pirate patch. The only bad part of this months vaccinces was he had a severe fever that day at daycare and I freaked out. It shot up to 104.9. I was very scared. I got all of his clothes off and immediately got a wet cloth on his head and then per my mom the nurse's instructions got him into a cold bath. He did not care for that at all but it took his fever down pretty quick. We continued to give him tylenol for 2 more days more of a precaution. He did great those last two days. Thank God no more vaccines until he is 1. :)
Eating Habits:
- He is still eating about 7 - 8 ounce bottles and we are adding cereal to each bottle
- He is now officially on solids. Per advice from others (and my parents would be proud) he is doing veggies only right now...and loves it! The diapers and vomit are somewhat different
Some highlights:
-He was able to meet his Great Aunt Linda and Great Uncle Craig as they came to visit for a was awesome!
- He is graduated to his crib now and managing to still sleep a majority of the time on his back but some on his side...still sleeping through the night and in our room!
- He had has first tie dye party at daycare....gotta love it...see pic below...
- Celebrated cinco de Mayo ....see pic below
- Tried to have a drink at Happy Hour with Mommies friends...see pic below
- He spent Mother's Day making mommy very happy by spending the day with her friend Lorann at the Outlet Mall (he was such a good boy)
- Still no teeth...but we may have something to report next month :)
- He has learned to kick water high up in the aire and all over mommy in the tub so he is graduating to a new tub this week
- He started drinking from a sippy cup (jus****er) and is gripping it good but trying to suck on it
- No crawling yet but is rolling ALL OVER the living room and that is how he gets to what he excited for him to crawl but a little scared to as well
- He still has an unbelievable disposition and laughs, jabbers and smiles all of the time...we are so blessed!
Here are some pics from the last few weeks....hope you enjoy!

LOL.....Nathan hates socks....and now that he is eating his feet regardless of what is on them everything comes off....Nathan is pretty good about the hats but eats his sunglasses....
God love our little guys.....for the most part Nathan is very happy....and that makes mommy and daddy very happy :) LOL....last night he was eating green beans and just smiled and laughed every bite.....he was likely laughing about what this was going to do to his diaper and who would be changing it...I am crossing my fingers that it happens at daycare today.....
God love our little guys.....for the most part Nathan is very happy....and that makes mommy and daddy very happy :) LOL....last night he was eating green beans and just smiled and laughed every bite.....he was likely laughing about what this was going to do to his diaper and who would be changing it...I am crossing my fingers that it happens at daycare today.....