Need advice/opinion's..a kind of wwyd situation about doctors...
Thanks for posting! I have a growth scan on the 4th, and I am going to go armed with all the questions you guys have given me and see what she has to say. Then I will ask her if she will be willing to talk directly to my OB (she does all her Level 2 scans IN his office, so I can't imagin it would be hard to get them speaking).
IMHO, stay with the Dr you are most comfortable with, but let him know that your other Dr wants to deliver earlier and see what his thoughts are. Can u/s monitoring also help determine the thickness of your uterus? Maybe that's something your regular OB can monitor?
If both drs would talk to each other, that would be ideal!
Good luck!
If both drs would talk to each other, that would be ideal!
Good luck!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Thanks for your ideas! I am not sure if they can monitor the uterin thickness, but I am most certainly going to ask at my appointment on the 4th! This HR doc does all her scan's IN my OB's office, so I don't think it will be TOO hard to get them to talk to each other, I will keep my fingers crossed that we can come up with something.
I keep thinking I have so much time to think this over, but the truth is, if I go with the high risk doc, we have just over 14 weeks before this all has to happen! YIKES!
I keep thinking I have so much time to think this over, but the truth is, if I go with the high risk doc, we have just over 14 weeks before this all has to happen! YIKES!