OB appt. today
I had an appt today too! Your u/s pic is so much cuter than mine. LOL!!! Mine is smaller since they had to look at two babies but it looks like we are due around the same exact time. I measured 10w4d but doc said 10w6d. Who knows.
Twin A is waving like your little peanut is too. Twin B was a booger and wouldn't give us a profile. So, they did a nuchal fold on Baby A. I thought it was early but they did one.
Glad your appt went well also!!! But you're sure there weren't two in there? We could be twin- buddies not just due date buddies. LOL!!!
Twin A is waving like your little peanut is too. Twin B was a booger and wouldn't give us a profile. So, they did a nuchal fold on Baby A. I thought it was early but they did one.
Glad your appt went well also!!! But you're sure there weren't two in there? We could be twin- buddies not just due date buddies. LOL!!!