Don't know what to think anymore...LONG TMI
On Tuesday I started spotting, went to the ER in the evening because it did not stop (brown tingy no need for a pad only there when wiping) (sorry). Spent 7 hours sitting in the waiting room (hard on the bony ass) Was seen by the Doc...No cramping or pressure, just spotting. He scheduled me for an Ultrasound Wed morning. Came home at 2am, didn't sleep, called into work at 6am to tell them I wouldn't be in, laid down again until 9am, got up and went to the Ultrasound. They did a Vag U/S as I am under 10 weeks (8 weeks along in my Doc's opinion from my BBT chart). Still spotting, same symptoms (also when I woke up Tuesday morning my breasts did not hurt just light tenderness if you pushed on the nipple, same way now)I did have a little red spotting once I came home from the ER Tuesday night. Sat around the ER for another 4 hours Wed waiting to see the Doc for the U/S results. I had found out that my levels were 1852 Tuesday night, the U/s revealed that I was measuring 6 weeks 3 days...BUT...No Yolk sac, no Heartbeat could be found, and told that it does not look good. I started bleeding as of yesterday afternoon although it is light to med flow with very small clots. It changes from red to brown with stringy material. I am having my levels tested again tomorrow morning and they are scheduling another U/S for next week to make sure they are sure things are just dated wrong or I indeed am miscarring. I am so frustrated and sad. I just keep crying, we have tried for 15 years, I suffer from PCOS and concieved this first time on Metformin and clomid (4th cycle). Any thoughts on what I should have them test me for (maybe progesterone?) the next time around (bleeding has me thinking and being realistic that I am miscarring). DH has been somewhat great...let me explain, the ER gave me their MC pakage of reading material, he would not even let me look at it, I got pissed. The Doc told us it is natural to grieve...This pissed him off. He said that if I think Neg, things will be neg, but what else can I think, MEN just don't understand. The Doc told him that a woman just knows....I thought they were going to have to call security, DH's face got all red. But he just hurried me out of there. Thank God as the tear factory was starting up. I hate ppl watching me cry. We than took the U/S results over to my OB's office and all the secretary could say was I'm so sorry, I will pass this info on to the Doc and if he wants you to come in I will call, other than that we will keep your schedualed appointment for the 29th. I am so confused, broken hearted, a,m I being realistic and starting to tell ppl that I am mc'ing, I haven't told my mom anything yet, but will be today, It is going to be a very depressing day and I will probably cry all day, Mmmmm salty tea! I am crying over my cup right know. Any thoughts and advice is welcome.
Thanks to everyone and for all the support. At least with all of you I feel I am not going this alone. DH is too hard too talk rational too keeping emotions out. I feel as though I can cry on complete strangers shoulders. It is easier...Next time (other than my sisters here) I will be keeping mum until I know the pregnancy will be viable...not gonna do this again by telling the world only to have to retell the horror.
*hugs* I can't even imagine what you are going through - stay strong. I am sure that hubby is upset too and doesn't know how to handle it (you know how men and emotions can be!)
*more hugs*
I am in the belief that ANYONE doing medicated cycles should have progesterone support. Although meds make your progesterone higher, it has also been my experience that it can drop faster. No need to test it, just demand that you want to go on progesterone support. It certainly doesn't hurt anything.
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11