Question about Mylanta for Baby
It just so happens I have Mylicon on hand and gave him some about an hour ago...... It seemed to help he fell asleep.... I've never given it to him because my mom said if the baby had a tummy ache he would pull his legs up to his chest and scream... and he doesn't pull his legs up so I figured he was just being fussy and since he burps so well I didn't think he had gas.... we'll see how it works.......
I hope your headache gets better!!! :)

Thank You Gina! I guess I was more of asking if any one had ever heard of the Mylanta thing... because I never have either... I would definitely ask the Ped before I did something like that. I do have some Mylicon and did give him some about an hour ago... It seemed to help and he slept for a little while. That is the first time I had given it to him.
I need to figure out how my carrier works.. I put it on yesterday because I wanted to dry my hair.. but I felt like he was going to fall out so I didn't feel comfortable with it. (It was a hand-me-down from my SIL)
Thank you for advice about colic... I've heard of colic, but I guess I never really "knew" what to expect. It's funny you mentioned the part about *Keeping the baby up so they will sleep more at night*...... because Zachary was awake from 4-930pm the other night and I figured he'd sleep all night..... No Dice!! He was like you said overly tired and overly fussy, he was up half the night.
I'm hoping to get the hang of all of this, Thank You again for posting to me.... reminds me that I need to breathe sometimes.... hubby has come home to me in tears and once he takes Zach he falls right asleep, almost as if he can feel my tension and how upset I am that I can't calm him......

There were times I would be in tears and my DH would come home and he just had the magic touch... he would hold michael kind of like a football with michael on his belly on my husbands forearm with his head in his hand and legs hanging down... that would do the trick. Way to make me feel useless!
Mommy to Michael 12-09-02 and Hayden 09-08-06,Alana Owen 11-12-2008
Hannah starts crying around 6 every evening too. For us the only thing that works is to take her outside. I guess she's gonna be an outdoors baby
Sorry Zachary is a fussy britches (that's what I call Hannah). The crying isn't lasting as long now. Yesterday she only cried for about 30 min. and that was because my Mom had her (she doesn't like any one but me lol).
Hang in there and use those gas drops...they do help!

Be careful whe getting advice from others. Especially with medications...there was a blunder between Mylanta and Mylicon, 2 different meds. Thank goodness it would not be totally detrimental to give a baby Mylanta based on advice thinking they were talking about Mylicon....but, it could have easily been something more dangerous in the confusion. Advice on meds should be gotten from a pediatrician only-period.