Question about Mylanta for Baby
Has anyone ever heard of giving a baby Mylanta for fussyness and hiccups after they eat? Zachary has just been super fussy with me lately..... of course it seems like it's only with me, but I spend all my time with him. He always gets the hiccups after eating.... and usually his evening feedings are super fussy.... but today he just keeps spitting up.
Everynight I cringe when the hour hits 5pm because from about 5-9:30ish he just cries and cries..... I don't know what to do.....
I saw a friend of mine today and her ped told her to give her baby Mylanta after feedings (but she has reflux) I'm not sure if Zachary has reflux... I don't know anything about it? I should mention I bottle feed and I'm using Enfamil right now.......
I don't know... but sometimes when he cries.... it makes me start crying I just don't know what to do for him. I feel like there is something wrong with me that I can't calm my own child........

There is nothing wrong with you! Mylanta does help some babies and it isn't harmful at all so it's worth a try. Nathan went through a period when he was the same age as Zachary where he would cry EVERY night starting at 5:00 and it would last until about 8:00 - it didn't last long (I don't remember how long it was) - but I know it was just a period of time that he needed/wanted to cry........
Another thing - if you aren't already doing it, make sure he is always burped - if you have to pull the bottle out after an ounce at first - just make sure you are getting the gas to come up instead of having it pass through......
You are not doing anything wrong, just keep trying to figure out what makes him comfortable - take a deep breath - and call your pediatrician just to see what s/he has to say.......
Hope it gets better soon!
Another thing - if you aren't already doing it, make sure he is always burped - if you have to pull the bottle out after an ounce at first - just make sure you are getting the gas to come up instead of having it pass through......
You are not doing anything wrong, just keep trying to figure out what makes him comfortable - take a deep breath - and call your pediatrician just to see what s/he has to say.......
Hope it gets better soon!
We add Mylanta to *every* bottle. It is a gas reliever, but won't help with reflux as that is an acid issue. It's worth a shot.. also, the "gentle" formulas, Doc Brown's bottles, and gripe water are possibilities to try. Does he cry after spitting up? Is he crying after *every* bottle? If so, those are signs of reflux (also, sounding "congested" as well). You could try putting him on his tummy.. that helps some reflux/colic/gas babies get more comfy. Daniel's worst time is from 6-11pm, so I know what you are going through.
He just cries period.......i've tried walking around, putting him in his swing, laying flat, talking to him,swaddling, pacifer..........he just screams... then he stops and is ok... then he screams again... so I know it's a fussy cry.... or maybe he has a tummy ache... I don't know...
He doesn't spit up often, I mean today he has spit up a lot..... but usually not much at all... and He's a really good burper.....

Was it *forceful*? And a majority of a bottle each time?
If this continues, it's a large quantity, and is forceful, you need to see your ped. There is a condition that can cause this and would need to be explored. It's nothing to be worried about (so calm down).. just keep a close watch on it for those things I mentioned.
Otherwise, try him on his tummy.. maybe the pressure will help.
My second son was just like that and in hindsight I wish I'd have insisted that the doctor check him out for reflux. We just assumed he was colicky but it really should have been explored.
We gave him gas drops after every bottle, it helped during the day but he was fussy in the evenings no matter what we did until almost 3 months. After that he was a pretty happy baby though!
I personally have never heard of giving a baby mylanta. also I would not base my decision to do so based on a friend or anyone on this board... that is a question for the pediatrition. I would call the office and talk to the advice nurse. Also, it sounds to me like you are dealing with a case of colic... Michael had colic and it was always early evening when the crying started and he just cried and cried no matter what I did... I know how you feel because it was so unnerving and hard for me becasue I wanted to make him better and nothing I could do would soothe him. First of all you need to understand colic... it will get worse before it gets better if he's only two weeks old... it peaks at about 6 weeks and then takes about 6 weeks to get better. What you can do is (if you think he's gassy) give him Mylicon drops... those seem to help. Also carry him around in a sling or a carrier while you are doing your stuff around the house... the sound of the vaccuum also helps so vaccuum with him in the carrier and see if that calms him. I don't know how he is sleeping but keep in mind babies at his stage should only be awake for 2 hrs at a time... the way I do it with my kids is they wake up, I feed them, burp them, play a minute, change as needed, then work on getting them back to sleep again so they are back asleep within two hours... sometimes they only last an hour. What ever you do don't try to keep them up thinking they will sleep more at night... it isn't going to happen and all you will get is an over tired baby who will scream for a couple of hours instead of sleeping. Remember... sleep begets sleep... the more they sleep the more they'll sleep. When they get to be about 6 weeks old then you can start trying to keep them up a bit more during the day to get them used to night and day. I reccommend the book "happy baby healthy sleep habits"... can't think of the author right now but I promise you it will save your life if you have that book.... If I was your doc that's what I would tell you to get. You can also get colic tabs... they are homeopathic anc contain calming things like chamomile to help soothe your baby... you can get them at the grocery store... look in the baby section and if they arent there ask the pharmisist... you can give them as needed and they disolve on their tounge so you don't have to worry about chocking... they are sweet so babies like them... they go by the brand name Hyland's here. if you have any questions let me know... I do feel your pain and I remember so well going through this with number one but number two didn't have any of the issues I think in part because I had a clue about what to do by then... also some babies are colicky and some arent... you just might have one that is. If the crying gets so bad you start having bad thoughts just put the baby in his crib and close the door... let him cry... he'll be ok... if that doesn't work I would walk him to a friend or a neighbor who can watchi him for a half hour or so while you breathe. take it easy... this will pass.
Mommy to Michael 12-09-02 and Hayden 09-08-06,Alana Owen 11-12-2008