Pregnancy Books
These were my 2 favorite books during pregnancy:
Pregnancy Sucks: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable by Joanne Kimes and Sanford A. Tisherman
The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine
They give it to you from a real persons prospective with a little humor thrown in just for the sake of the situation.
How are you feeling?
She's still hospitalized and the contractions have really slowed down with the assistance of medication, so that's good news. She may be allowed to go home today, but I'll find out more a little later on. I know that it stinks being in the hospital, but we're very thankful that she's there.
Thank you so much for asking!
"What to Expect when You're Expecting" is a must. Also, a book my hubby has been reading which is sort of like WTEWYE, but for dads, is "The Everything Father-to-Be Book, A survival Guide for Men"... that's especially a really good book for first-time expecting fathers.
Pretty much any pregnancy book you get will tell you what all the others will... It's kind of hard choosing, because they all have the same information. Choosing a pregnancy plannner is a toughie too, because there's like 50 million different ones, and they all have the same concept, so it's like... "so which one do I pick?". I stood in the pregnancy isle in the bookstore for like 20 mins just going through pregnancy planners. Totally frustrating, lol.
I really liked what to expect when you're expecting and I also had this really awesome book with great week by week photos - but I can't remember the name of the book or what I did with the thing - the what to expect when you're expecting is a good summary for four week chunks of time, so it's a quick read and it also offers a ton of great insight on so many topics that we see pop up here on this message board....I likee the week by week because it really went into great detail of what exactly was happening with the baby and my body at that time. I also liked the real pictures of real babies (damn I wish I could find that book!)
Just a thought I have to share - when I first got pregnant I had a ton of books about being pregnant and didn't bother getting any books on having an infant in the house - I kind of wish I crammed a little more in that area while I was pregnant! The best book we had when we brought my son home was what to expect the first year - my husband and I used to call that book the owners manual - it had everything in there - we kept it out on the kitchen counter and referred to it on a regular basis.
Just a thought I have to share - when I first got pregnant I had a ton of books about being pregnant and didn't bother getting any books on having an infant in the house - I kind of wish I crammed a little more in that area while I was pregnant! The best book we had when we brought my son home was what to expect the first year - my husband and I used to call that book the owners manual - it had everything in there - we kept it out on the kitchen counter and referred to it on a regular basis.
I have a what to expect when your expecting Id be happy to mail to you. Just send me your address.
I bought it when I got pregnant and then realized I had read it so closely with my last one (7 years ago) that it was too boring to read.
It is full of great info.
I bought what to expect the first year and what to expect toddler after Meg was born. I love them.
I like the "your pregnancy week by week" I also have what to expect when you are expecting.... however I signed up on their website and get an e-mail from them everyday... and it's like the same thing that is in the book... so I would definately buy the other and sign up for the emails on the WTE website.

you should definitely buy "baby laughs". it is by jenny mccarthy... that actress who kinda looks like a barbie doll. she always annoyed me. my husband bought me this book when i was pregnant with my first and i was pretty apprehensive, but it is probably the funniest thing i have ever read. full of pregnancy humor and a whole lot of TMI. i would get that in addition to one of the basics... what to expect when you're expecting or pregnancy week by week. those kind of books are usually all the same, so you can't go wrong. but "belly laughs" is in a class of it's own. there is also another one that she wrote about the first year of her son's life called "baby laughs". it's worth picking up, too.
for both of them, i could not put them down. make sure you pee before you start reading so you don't pee on yourself laughing... and let me know how you like it when you are finished!
tory, mommy to rey born 9-2-04