Questions regarding PCOS
Hello, I am new to this board and I have some questions. Has anyone actually experienced what this medicine claim to do. I mean the weight loss, extra body hair has gone away, regular periods and pregnancy?
I was actually diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago because I don't get regular periods and have all this extra hair which I personally think is disgusting. My doctor gave me the pill today and I am hesitating because of the diarrhea. I am really hoping that this works. Please let me know if you have experienced any good things with this medication.

Thank you so much for responding. I don't know what to do about this condition. I was told that I am borderline diabetic and I should be ok once I lose the weight. This is so frustating! I am hoping that I won't take long to lose this weight, I am young and have no self esteem. My family and friends say that I am boring because I don't want to ever do anything that requires me to be out in public. I wish they would understand what this is like. I will look into the website you mentioned, hopefully it will help.