Jamie C.
on 11/7/04 4:18 pm - Lakewood, OH
Hello everyone! Well, I am new to this board,but not to being overweight and certainly not to PCOS. I was diagnosed when I was 17 (I am 29) and we have been ttc for about 7 years, Injectibles, clomid, Letrozole (a breast cancer drug, being experimented with for fertility), accupunture, basal body temps, you name it, we did it. Well, now I have decided to have the surgery in hope that this will help us. I weigh 275 with my highest being 313. My surgery is scheduled for 12/20/04 and I am very excited about it. My reproductive endocrinologist says this will definalty increase our chances, so here I am. I am so excited about this surgery and how it will change my life. I cannot wait to see the new me, and start living a real life instead of being in the shadows. P.S. If any of you want more info in PCOS..there is an EXCELLENT website called that is very very very knowledgeable and everyone there is soooo wonderful. is a good one also. My name on both of them is Occifer952 if anyone wants to chat! : ) Jamie
on 11/10/04 5:30 am - North West, PA
Jamie, we have a lot in common... i was diagnosed at 16 and told that fertility would be a problem for me. I struggled my whole life with the side effects of PCOS, but unintentionally and astoundingly I lost 80lbs in my freshman year at college... My PCOS symptoms immediately lessened. My skin cleared, by peroids became normal and the dark hair began to lighten! 4 years passed and I stayed on the birth control (initially started for treatment of PCOS...) well, at the end of my senior year, I took some antibiotics that the doctor prescribed for a cold and found myself pregnent! through the pill and all!!! I am convinced the infertility aspect will dissapate for you too! I wish you all the best!!! ~Lori P.S. we are also close in age - I will be 27 in February and my surgery date is 12/9/04!!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Shari M.
on 11/18/04 1:43 pm - Wildomar, CA
Lori~ Hey there. I saw your post and have been toying with the idea of going back on birth control. I stopped bc pills in February to try to concieve and months later was diagnosed PCOS...and had gained 50 pounds!!! Seeing that you had success in managing your wieght why you were on birth control really inspired me. I have to lose 10% or 39 pounds prior to surgery and I am having such a hard time despite my diabetic diet and exercise regimin. Since I have decided to have wls before ttc again, I am going to go back on bc pills, I am hoping that regulating my hormones will help with my weight loss (10lbs so far). Did you do any particular diet during the time of weight loss, or do you think it was just the hormonal balance?? Just curious! Thanks, Shari
Ms. T.
on 11/11/04 11:29 pm - So.Cal, CA
Thanks for those links Jamie!! Those sites are great!
on 11/13/04 2:47 pm - Hermitage, TN
Wow Jamie we have tons in common, I am 28 and have been TTC for 5 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 20 but think I have had it since I was 11 (I never ever had a normal period unless on birth control) We tried fertility drugs, interuterine inceminations and the like and I got pregnant twice but lost both before my 12th week. I have been trying to lose weight ever since but it always comes back. I am praying that I will be approved for surgery soon because I feel like this is my last real change to have children of my own. The letter to my insurance company should go out next week and I will be praying everyday for approval. Good luck to you!! And if you ever want to chat drop me a line.
on 8/12/05 3:44 am - Phoenix, AZ
WOW! we are so alike .......i am 28 and was diagnosed 5 yrs ago too! i am crying reading your post cause the sad thing about PCOS is you feel so alone.....its so crappy but its so nice to know someone else feels like you. I know you posted this some time ago but i am curious how you are doing after your surgery.....i am submitting to insuranc and waiting. I am so optomistic about this!!!!! please stay in touch! i am so happy you all crossed my path! (BAWLING! i really have to get my emotions in check! geez) Amy
Dinka Doo
on 11/18/04 6:52 pm - Medford, OR
Incredible stories here. I too lost weight on birth control pills. Isn't it ironic how our thin friends lament going on them because they make them gain, but it seems we all lose when we go on them? ;) I never thought I could get pregnant so we didn't even consider the possibility. I thought "why go through all that heartbreak trying when it might never happen?" so we didn't try. That was until I went on Atkins and got my period. Then I went off it and it stopped again. Then I went back on and it started again. I saw a pattern emerging and by then I was online and able to access more info and found out WHY Atkins was helping me. So, doing Atkins, glucophage and time (15 months later and on our 7th anniversary), we were pregnant with my son who is now 3 years old. I do wish I had gotten the surgery before then, but it's all okay. I'm doing really well now and we got through it fine. Good luck to you - I hope you have great success! Oh - and what does that nickname Occifer952 stand for? It makes me think of a drunk's version of "officer." I'm kind of curious because I work as a police dispatcher. Dina
Jamie C.
on 11/18/04 10:31 pm - Lakewood, OH
Hi my lil PCOS'er friends! I just wanted to say hi and OMgosh..Lori, we look totally alike. I almost peed my pants. I logged on went to the link and saw your pic first. I was so confused how MY picture got on the screen, cause I don't have it online anywhere...we really look alike esp in that picture. I wonder if we look alike in real life? Spooooky! So ladies, how are you all? I am so glad that I found people who are like me. I sometimes wonder how I will ever get away from waxing and all the fun stuff that goes with PCOS. Sometimes I think is is so helpful to talk, even just about stupid stuff, to people who understand. I am on the soulcysters web site so often..holy macarel. My pc got a lil bug so I have been on hold chatting for a bit there, but we are slowly working things out with it. I can read all the posts, just can't respond, I get booted. I am so hoping this surgery helps with my fertility, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Am I rambling?!?! LOL, sorry. Okay, well, I am so glad we have all met. Lets keep chatting about stuff okay! It will be our WLS/PCOS page! BYE!! Jamie P.S. Yes, Occifer is drunk talk for Officer. I am a part time Police officer and my first DUI/DWI the man called me Occifer while I was arresting him. I had to testify in court on the case and that came up because I had put it in my report. Well, the Officers who were there waiting for their cases to start were watching my case and heard it all, including my new "occifer" nickname so I am now known as Occifer everywhere, and everyone still cracks up that I was called occifer in a court in front of 40 fellow officers, a prosecutor, and a judge. 952 is my badge number. Nice eh??!! HAHA : )
Jamie C.
on 11/18/04 10:34 pm - Lakewood, OH
Sorry to post again..I forgot to ask Margaret if her letter to the insurance went out yet? Did you hear anything? I said a little prayer for you, and have all my fingers and toes crossed. Let us know!! Jamie
on 12/4/04 2:15 am - Simi Valley, CA
Congrats on your very soon surgery date!! I'm still waiting for my pre-op surgery appointment! How long did they tell you to wait until trying to get pregnant after the surgery?--Ann
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