Make or Break Symptoms of PCOS
Hey Gang,
I have never believed that I had PCOS. I have never been diagnosed as having PCOS, my periods are always regular. BUT, my husband and I have been TTC for 5 yeas with no luck, temperature tracking indicates that I am not ovulating. He had kids in a previous marriage, so I know he is fertile. I do have Athancosis Nigricans (neck, underarms, and inner thigs) and have struggled with skin tags for some time. I have excess facial hair around my chin/neck too. My weight gain started immediately after puberty and I have always been a very reasonable eater. Tracking calories, eating fresh "real" foods, remaining active, but my body just seems REALLY good at making fat.
Is it possible that I do actually have PCOS or maybe some other kind of insulin resistance/metabolic disorder. Or maybe I just am fat and as a result have a hormonal imbalance from the extra weight?
I guess I just assumed PCOS was off the table for me since I do get regular periods, am I wrong?
Sound like pcos. Some people with it have regular periods. I would find a good GYN that understands PCOS and and endocrynogist Good luck
Sound like pcos. Some people with it have regular periods. I would find a good GYN that understands PCOS and and endocrynogist Good luck
Nope cyst aren't always present. Yes the do ultra sounds to look for them. The lack of ovulation along along with the other symptoms you have listed.
is a great forum for questions about pcos
I have ALWAYS had regular periods and just wasnt ovulating on my ownand have been diagnosed with PCOS. It did start with an ultrasound where they found cyts but I also have Athancosis Nigricans an Insulin resistance. It definatly sounds to me like you likely have PCOS but im not a doctor. Go get checked out. If your trying to TTC and your not ovulating they will give you some Clomid and hopefully you will be good. Worked for me!
PCOS symptoms are quite variable - for example, roughly 60% of women are obese. I have two girlfriends who have PCOS who are not obese. Kinda embarrassing because you know what people are thinking. I have always eaten lots of veggies and healthy foods and got a lot of exercise.
Some women have hirsutism (excess or dark hair) and male pattern baldness. Some women only experience infertility symptoms. PCOS symptoms are all across the board and many are undiagnosed because of that.
It does sound as though you have PCOS. Hang in there.
There are actually 4 types of PCOS. I have one type, my daughter has another. Took me 9 years to conceive, but I bleed 24/7-365 a year (unless I was on the pill - which I still am at 49). My adult daughter has always had normal periods. My testerone levels are high, hers are normal. Do a search for 4 types of PCOS. I'm sure you'll be able to locate which one you have. And yes, it does sound like you have it. Oh and I should note, I was thin my entire young adult life until I went to college and felt that at 5'4" I wasn't thin enough (my dad always told me how pretty I'd be if I just lost weight), at 125lbs. So I extreme dieted and exercised down to 108 and did some modeling. I was finally thin, but hungry and exhausted. I finally just went back to "regular" eating and gained 60lbs in 6 months. That's when all the problems began and that was over 30years ago. My daughter has always been a little rounder than the other girls, but has never gotten to be my size. We of course has her insulin levels checked (have your FASTING insulin levels checked) at 12 years old and they were all whacked out. We got her on Metformin then and she has slimmed down and done great. She knows NOT to extreme diet though. ;) Hope that helps.