cycles worse after rny? what?
i have had pcos for years. inferility all the above, was on metformin for 10 years. cycles mostly regular, had 2 pregnancies, one baby and now....
i am at my lowest weight in 12 years and my periods are MESSED up!
i always ovulated late in my cycle, but it was always 28 days.
since i started losing weight before surgery and after my cycles are going to 45 days, or skipping a period or 35 days, not ovulating and just bizarre.
i will have a light "period" at 35 days and then ovulation pain 5 days later, lol lots of ovarian cramps and bloating. but i am not ovulating or having a normal cycle anymore.
i thought losing weight was supposed to make things better? has anyone else been thrown completely off by RNY?
ok, i am 35 but seriously i am too young for menopause! lol
should i go with it for a while or see my dr? i am 10 weeks out from rny and on metformin and thyroids meds per my endocrinologist.
i am at my lowest weight in 12 years and my periods are MESSED up!
i always ovulated late in my cycle, but it was always 28 days.
since i started losing weight before surgery and after my cycles are going to 45 days, or skipping a period or 35 days, not ovulating and just bizarre.
i will have a light "period" at 35 days and then ovulation pain 5 days later, lol lots of ovarian cramps and bloating. but i am not ovulating or having a normal cycle anymore.
i thought losing weight was supposed to make things better? has anyone else been thrown completely off by RNY?
ok, i am 35 but seriously i am too young for menopause! lol
should i go with it for a while or see my dr? i am 10 weeks out from rny and on metformin and thyroids meds per my endocrinologist.
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