First Normal Period!!!
Only someone with PCOS and infertility would appreciate a normal period with cramps! LOL I bled for 3 or 4 months straight (very light) and it finally stopped 3 weeks ago and now I'm having what seems like a normal period. (When I was 13 & 14 I had normal periods) I'm now 5 1/2 months out and can't wait for the time to come when my hubby and I can TTC!!! I now have hope we will be successful. :)
Congrats on your 1st normal period with cramps! : )
I use to have PCOS before I had my Ovarian Cancer so I completely understand!
Hope this finds you well.
I use to have PCOS before I had my Ovarian Cancer so I completely understand!
Hope this finds you well.
"Life may not always be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance!""> src="">>