spearmint tea for PCOS help with hair and menstruation
I have had PCOS since I was a teenager. I menstruated for the first time in over a year in a half this week. I 100% completely attribute it to the fact that I started drinking spearmint tea. I did some reading that the tea lowers testoserone levels and should help with slowing down the hair growth. Within 5 days of drinking 2 cups a day, I started to get cramps. 8 days after drinkning the tea, I menstruated. I recommend trying this out. I got it at a holistic/herbal store. It was 4.50 for 30 bags of tea. Try it out!! Cant hurt, right? I got used to the taste. I add some lemon to it. Good luck!!
well the worst part for me is the hair growth as well and unfortunately I also have a mediterranean ethnic background so i have a double whammy going for me. I dont know of anything to stop the growth except for laser treatments and the cream vaniqa which is 80 dollars a month. The laser is of course permanent and the vaniqa cream stops the hair only while it is being used. I get terrible acne due to ingrown hairs in on my neck and chin but have leanred to live with it and go tanning once a week to keep my skin dry. But since drinking this tea the hair is ABSOLUTELY growing in slower and finer and i menstruated. Google it and read up about it. It worked for me.